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 A gift and a note left for the Church and Father Partrick

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Posts : 35
Join date : 2024-12-11

PostSubject: A gift and a note left for the Church and Father Partrick   Sun Feb 19, 2024 9:52 pm

* Two bronze rings afixed with Alexandrite and a Cross of Silver adorn a sealed package left at teh alter of the church one morning when Father Patrick arrives. In the parcel are two silver daggers and a note. The note reads.....*

Father Patrick,

These gifts I leave to the church and yourself are to aid mortals of the Inquisition. Not only that, but I leave them as a token of my loyalty to the Lord. Know that I have found some unholy and demonic locations about the Isle and I wish to speak with you of them. I await an answer, leave the answer to my question at the Inn of Hafen.

Humbly a servant to Thee Lord,

Conrad of Germania.
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A gift and a note left for the Church and Father Partrick
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