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 Do you answer the call?

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Posts : 37
Join date : 2024-07-12
Age : 21
Location : Phoenix, Arizona---Da Hottest State!

PostSubject: Do you answer the call?   Thu Jul 26, 2024 5:08 am

Raed sits patiently at the edge of the waterfall, the forest to his back during the day.

((Please, post your character name, server name, and day that you arrive during the week {This event starts on a Monday}))

((Also Note: This is not the actual RP Topic for this event, simply a post on who interacts with Raed. After you post {And feel free to do descriptions in here if you wish Very Happy} I will make a seperate topic so everyone has their time to shine individually, and after, say, 2-3 weeks RL time, I'll post the last day, and all who have signed up for that, you will all have your time. Have fun!))
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Posts : 37
Join date : 2024-07-12
Age : 21
Location : Phoenix, Arizona---Da Hottest State!

PostSubject: Re: Do you answer the call?   Wed Oct 24, 2024 4:48 am

((Since I haven't got any reply from anyone in a topic such as this, I am changing the rules to 2 people from the supernatural races, and whoever else wishes to be involved during that time, before there are communals between the groups themselves.))
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Do you answer the call?
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