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 Conrad the Knight of Ash

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Posts : 35
Join date : 2024-12-11

PostSubject: Conrad the Knight of Ash   Sun Feb 19, 2024 10:00 pm

* Haveing realized that a Lord of the lands maybe about and not having an Elder to speak to, Conrad decides to investigate and learns that Alexandra is the Princess of the Isle. He then goes to her court and leaves word that he has arrived on her shores and wishes an audience to properly introduce himself. Also he leaves a letter. *

Princess Alexandra,

I Conrad of the Order of Bitter Ash have arrived on your shores. I seek only to make myself known and to speak of some of the happenings I have seen about the land. I wish to not inconvenience you nor waste time for you to pursue other things. I just wish not to interfere in affairs that are your own.

Knight of the Ash Conrad of Germania
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