Reaperof666 Yeoman

Posts : 37 Join date : 2024-07-12 Age : 21 Location : Phoenix, Arizona---Da Hottest State!
 | Subject: The Note.... Thu Jul 26, 2024 5:03 am | |
| A note, almost perfectly written in a fanciful, majestic handwriting, is placed a few times throughout 'key' areas of the Fair city of Omen, and almost double that is placed throughout the forest.
The ones in Omen read:
To those it may concern:
It has come to my attention that the fair town of Omen and its people have been experiencing a lack of the darkness that has lurked in it's bowels since it's start: no actions from the dark ones whom I choose not to speak of. But those of you who choose to read this complete note, those of you who can understand its full meaning, please hear me out.
You may fear the light coming towards this town, but it is much better than the darkness that will destroy it and you, even if you cherish it. I would like to attempt to make an arrangement with you all in order to deal with our quiet opponent, one that I also know is yours. I might not be the most liked person amongst your kind, but I do represent one who is deeply entrenched in this situation.
If you do wish to make contact with me, I'll meet you at the witching hour for the next week in the Graveyard at the temple nearest the coast. On the last day, I wish for all of you to attend at once to talk as a collective, but I assume you all have your own agenda, thus come at your convenience.
If you attempt anything other than conversation, you will find more than you bargained for.
Sincerely yours,
Raed, Protector of the Fair town of Omen and its People. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The ones in the forest read: To all of those that care:
I know not much of your culture and how you wish to deal with things.
I do know that you despise all that is unnatural though, and this 'Wyrm' creature that is to be re-summoned is something that I know your people cannot let be born into this world.
You reclusive humans have strange habits, but we all share our oddities. Our oddities can actually come in handy at most times, especially these ones of secrecy. From those who are attempting to undo the order of everything.
I ask that we unite against this threat, put aside out differences for a short time, and eliminate this threat before it shows its fangs once more, and our hope is neigh. For the next week, I'll be meeting at the waterfall in the day before your sacred circle of stones, for I know that I am not welcomed there and I do wish to continue to stay on good terms with my allys. I simply wish to discuss actions and precautions that we can attempt to quell this threat before it's plague spreads outside the city walls and into your land.
I as a man can only do so much until the true destined hero of Omen arrives, but everything must be set up for when that time comes. I simply ask that you help make the preparations.
On the last day, I wish for all of you to attend at once to talk as a collective, but I assume you all have your own agenda, thus come at your convenience.
Sincerely yours,
Raed, Protector of the Fair town of Omen and its people.
Last edited by Reaperof666 on Wed Aug 01, 2024 5:59 pm; edited 1 time in total |
Jen Joy Serf

Posts : 5 Join date : 2024-01-12
 | Subject: Re: The Note.... Mon Jul 30, 2024 3:37 pm | |
| Glenn walks around the town quietly, before her eyes dart to the note. She reads it over briefly, before rubbing the back of her neck.
"Sum strange stuff dese people be makin'..."
She mutters to herself before walking towards the forest, scratching her arms. |