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 The New One

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Posts : 5
Join date : 2024-03-13
Age : 26
Location : Afghan

PostSubject: The New One   Sat Mar 17, 2024 9:28 am

Hello to you all, I am rather new to this environment and world but I'm quite intrigued in the possible opportunity to play here. I look forward to reading more about Whitewolf's world and see what sort of maddness I can conjure up to add to the server, but as I'm new I'll probably have a lot of questions. Anyways, if you don't mind me lurking around the forums while I'm out of the states for the next couple months, I'll be around to ask the occasional inquiry and my inbox is always open if you'd like to get to know me. Perhaps in the future I'll make a character, but until I understand the way things are I'll have to leave that on hold. Yet, I believe I've ranted on enough, and I'd just like to say that I look forward to getting to roleplay with you all.

Best of wishes,
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Join date : 2024-07-12
Age : 21
Location : Phoenix, Arizona---Da Hottest State!

PostSubject: Re: The New One   Sun Mar 18, 2024 5:35 am

Glad you came aboard, even if it's for a little bit! Welcome to Darkeon ^.^
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Age : 26
Location : Afghan

PostSubject: Re: The New One   Wed Mar 21, 2024 3:16 am

Thank you for the welcome, Reaperof666, I hope that I'll be able to join the party shortly, as in within a few months; but far before I do, I have some questions:

1. Are there any limits on Malkavian characters? I didn't see much mention of them in the server forums.

2. Additionally to the first, are there any Malks already lurking about?

3. How are the Vampire/Garou powers done? I assume it is with wigits, but I've seen stranger things before.

4. There is a significant difference in Whitewolf player sheets (Abilities) vs. DnD player sheets(Feats), how is that gap crossed on a NWN server?

5. Also, how does the leveling system work? if I recall from forums, level 7 was decently high for Whitewolf roleplaying. Is the full forty levels allowed or is it cut down?

Now that I've got those out of the way, I'd like to mention why I asked them.

1. I need to know limits or boundaries on what I can do with a crazy character.

2. More crazies equals a crazier crazy.

3. I've seen several different things for accomplishing powers, and I'm interested in seeing what has been come up with for this.

4. In reference to building a sufficient roleplaying character.

5. The same as above.

If I think of anything else, I will ask it, but I have a feeling once I start to get involved more and more, things will just start becoming more clear and familiar. Anyways, thank you in advance, for your time, and I really appreciate any help or answers that may be provided to me in the future.

Best of wishes,
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Posts : 37
Join date : 2024-07-12
Age : 21
Location : Phoenix, Arizona---Da Hottest State!

PostSubject: Re: The New One   Wed Mar 21, 2024 3:46 pm

Well, I'll try me best answering your questions! I'm totally not the guy who knows stuff about supernatural in WW since I've always played Humans!

1) No idea. My best GUESS would be that if it isn't written down, it isn't limited. DON'T QUOTE ME.
Worse that could happen is that you make a character and are asked to change something or make a new one!

2) Totally, I know two off the top of my head.

3) I believe they are widgets; some things (I don't know if the powers do...) automatically work. A few other things are items.

4) *coughs* Well, I hope someone else can put it better than me...

As with every NWN server out there that is either fan-based (bleach, naruto) or or book based (Star Wars, Dragonlance), you have to really improvise to get the 'feel' of that particular setting:

Besides explaining ever aspect, I can sum it up in one statement, and if you have more SPECIFIC questions, then ask away.

We are simply using the setting and powers/special abilities, which have transitioned into D&D bonuses appropriate for that ability/power.

5) It is the full 40's, but to even get about 25 is a feat in itself. I've played since the start of this new beta (this server's been around for some years..) a few monthes ago, and the only way I've managed to get to level 30 was mostly through events, RPing (which does give you exp), and crappy solo grinding for a few exp a kill. N one has gotten past 32-33ish to my knowledge, but I haven't been playing lately enough to confirm that with you ^.^

Hoped I helped!

Reaper out.
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Join date : 2024-03-13
Age : 26
Location : Afghan

PostSubject: Re: The New One   Thu Mar 22, 2024 11:51 am

Thank you, that is a great help. I'm not really all that worried about builds and what not, but for now I might post my idea about my character in novel form until I get the opportunity to actually play and develop her...

Also, I might make a hunter type character, but I'll start off simple first.. Or rather, complicated from another point of view.. But if you're already insane Malks make perfect sense, I think. :/
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