* Conrad takes a position guarding the Church gates and ponders his situation. He begins thinking of his time on the island and what he has accomplished so far. Then his thoughts float to his mortal family whom he wished he could see again. The thoughts of his mortal family held great sway over keeping him on his path of immortality. That he could watch his legacy through time was a comfort. Through the 122 years of unlife Conrad had visited his homestead leaveing his gathered wealth about so that his family might prosper. Now, he was trapped isolated, not even able to return to his Elder Brothers of The Order of Bitter Ash. Not so much as a letter nor a word from any. These thoughts plagued him for the remainder of the evening while he guarded the Church. All that he had discovered of the island, and those he had met so far had shaped a bitter opinion of the people of the island and the methods of its inhabitants. Prayers he uttered daily for the salvation of not only himself, but for the whole of the peoples of the island. As he prepared to leave his self impossed post, his hand reached for his hilt. A finely crafted Silver sword doused in his own vitae to add potency, forged with prayer and faith his blade had feld many a foul abomination and demon lingering under the isle.
Thoughts of the blade made him remember the first time he took up a smithy hammer back in Anatolia shortly after his embrace. Fire, and fear of it were hard to overcome at first. As he grew in experience so too did is strength and his powers developed. Soon, by soon in vampire terms 50 years, he developed a tolerance so great to flame he was able to even stand to watch sunrise without hiding. Though it did cause him discomfort and were he to remain over long he would have his final night. Since arrival to the island he longed to see a sunrise again. Through the process of forging blades, he learned also to hone his strength to a purpose. His daring attempts at watching a sunrise and trying to watch it to its zenith had led him to boughts of great speed as well in order to get to the safty of shelter from the suns harmful rays. As he learned of his place over his first 50 years of unlife he learned of the disciplines he was blessed with. He honed them as he honed a blade. His disciplines were strong even when he arrived for one so young, and since his arrival to the isle his vampiric powers have exploded. For 72 years after his training was complete and his indoctrination complete Conrad had seen much and fought long and hard against the vile invaders of Jerusalem. The sackers of Constantinople, agents of the Devil... But now this island was a crucible as it tests the sences and the very core of a being. With a lack of contact with the outside world, coruption of the islands inhabitants, and lack of sunlight all lend to a feeling of despair.
Though Conrad was able to remake his Holy sword and forge new armor even creature comforts of gems and jewelry the lack of normality of light cycles as well as failing crops make the inhabitants fearful. In their fear they treat others with hostility at time. Those guarding the town of Omen are crude and abuse their positions. Perhaps I will assert more and right the wrongs. If Father Patrick would have audience with me. Or if I could get the Princess to speak to me. I would see things changed. A trip to the abyss showed me much.*