Omen Eclispe- a world of fantasy, horror, and intrigue. A place set in the Dark Ages a time of death, struggle and riches. A place where not everything is what it seems and the night takes on a life of its own. |
| | Ania and Skar the story after the shadow invasion and the selection for sacrifice. | |
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Shesh'Ahl Yeoman

Posts : 35 Join date : 2024-12-11
 | Subject: Ania and Skar the story after the shadow invasion and the selection for sacrifice. Sat Feb 04, 2024 8:51 pm | |
| *Ania licking her wounds comes upon a cave with bears. While there she chased off its denizens and fell to the ground in pain suffering from the wounds both mental and physical. She lay about a few days at a few times having to chase bears off and claim her cave. Then on the third night of this in a fit of fever her body fighting off infection, a man strode into the cave. The man approached and Ania's keen sense of smell told her he was not just a man but a fellow Garou. She lifted her head at this point weakly having not eaten in a few days nor had much to drink save liking the leaking walls. She lifted her head and says to her fellow Garou*
" I am Ania, Ragabash of the Get of Fenris... and you are?"
The man looked down to her his eyes flashed over in the darkness of the cave and says, " I am Skar also Ragabash though I hail from the Red Talons. I am Claith, Beta to my pack under Aris. You are wounded, may I help?" Feelings of sympathy stirring in him seeing kin so wounded and hiding like any other animal of the woods.
"I am of Fenris, I will mend." Ania's eyes steel then her head swoons as a fit of pain racks her again. Though the markings of the Wyrm have been removed from sight on her forehead the markings burn deep into her soul. Her wounds of the physical nature mended long ago, but her mind and her soul were wounded beyound anything she had ever felt. These wounds her body could not heal, only time and nutureing could mend these.
* Skar would nod and perform a warriors salute to her, seeing the pain that was lingering in her eyes and admiring her attitude despite the pain. Then he would approach her slowly leaving his sword shaped bone he had crafted of the larger bear that once ran in the cave Ania was now hiding in."
*As he approached, he would say in a matter of fact manner* " My Alpha could offer you assistance, barring his ability, I am sure the Pack Alpha Growls could aid as well. He is a Ahroun of renown amoungst us kinfolk of the island. I would help you if you allow me?"
*Seeing the sympathy in his eyes for her situation Ania grows ashamed and would lash out attempting to snap to her feet but would only make it to her knees and reaching for her spear* " You claim to wish to aid me but you look on me with pity.... Know this I may be wounded but I can surely fight... Take that look from your face, and fetch me something to eat since you choose to disturb me so long!" * Ania was correct in her speach she could summon the strength to stand, she feigned weakness thinking Skar to be like the men of the Get, assuming her weak they would have pounced to expunge weakness from the clan, Skar was not of the Get, he was a warrior of Gaia, a Red Talon Claith honor bound to protect other kin from anything. Skar's look of compation had nothing to do with seeing her weak, he worried for his kin for the loss that would be felt by loosing a fellow Garou.*
*Skar would look to her his eyes steeling and his face turning to a snarling face* " You are one to be waving orders about, I will fetch you food..... though not because you order me about, but because I dont wish to leave kin folk laying about dying on my watch. You wait there I will return... " *as he finishes this he loosens the straps to his chain shirt allowing it to fall to the floor, then he changes infront of her his snout elongating fur sprouting from his skin till a large wolf stands the and yelps as the pain of the transformation finishes. The blue eyes of the wolf lock on Ania's own eyes and a look is shared*
Out of the cave the wolf that was Skar runs on the hunt, as he leaves the cave he marks the cave with his musky urine in order to show his claiming it and that which is inside. Away Skar goes, hearing the squeeling of swine nearby he slows his approach, and begins to stalk the herd of boars. When he sees his opening he springs and takes down a sow that was overly plump, snarling over it as the tusked boars approach. They were to late, yet not ready to release the meal so easily. Skar would hunker down his flanks furling outward, his hind hairs standing on end and a vicious growl escapes his canine lips the echo of the growl send the desired message and the boars backed down and retreated. Then, Skar circles his prize snatches it by the nap of the neck and drags the carcass back to the cave, to Ania.
*After a long few hours of waiting trying to remain conscious Ania heard the dragging scraping sound and the clicking of claws on stone. Knowing that this meant a meal her stomache began to growl.*
*Ania would lean up against the cave wall and rest on her elbows with a faint smile on her lips as her eyes flashed hungrily over teh soon to be feast. Skar would drag the carcass to her feet and leave it backing away as he nudge it to her*
* Ania then would say* " You know I lack the strength to change... perhaps you would allow he to make a meal? I have provision in my pack and I have the strength to cook if nothign else ... Its my hobby." *she would smile warmly and take out dried wood and flint and steel striking them to the wood building a small fire. The two would spend the evening, and the next two as well finishing the sow and bread that Ania had made. Both sharing tales of themselves before the island and since the arrival. In the shareing and the caring for Ania, Skar began to develop an urge, no not an urge he began to feel attached to Ania. Knowing that children would be an abomitation no matter what their feelings for one another children were out of the question. Though he felt a desire to hold her and to make more... his strength her agility... his fighting ability her fighting spirit... the possibility of the pups could be endless or they could be an abomination not fit the bloodline.... He would shake the thought from his mind looking to Ania as she slumbered a peaceful snore escapes her* |
|  | | Shesh'Ahl Yeoman

Posts : 35 Join date : 2024-12-11
 | Subject: Re: Ania and Skar the story after the shadow invasion and the selection for sacrifice. Sat Feb 04, 2024 9:28 pm | |
| * Knowing now what Skar knew of Anias' position he tried to find his Alpha, he searched the better part of the day light howling for him to no avail, then he searched for Growls howling again to no avail....assuming this a trick of the darkness and the Wyrm impedeing any aid to Ania he returned to her late in the evening... after he hunted another meal for them to eat.*
Ania was gaining color back in her cheeks, the last few days at Skars' side had helped mend her soul and her desire to fight. When Skar returned she palyfully tugged at the carcass and sprung at him landing on his back rolling him over the pair wrestled and they both changed to lupis form nipping playfully together then both slitting lick the other taking turns. The pair would nuzzle their snouts together licking at each other and Ania would finally lay atop Skars back both falling asleep hunger sated, spirit refreshed with company and companionship. When mornings flittered sunlight made its way through the darkness and the branches of the tree it shined off the cave floor waking them both from a peaceful slumber, both rose and changed to the man forms, and they prepared to take a trip Ania wanted to resupply her food stocks and to make some more bread they travelled to the farmland outside of town, as they went Skar roamed around her lookign for dangers both seen and unseen the hair on the back of his neck stood on end and his hand gripped tightly the bone blade in his sword arm.
As the pair made it to the farmlands, they rooted around through the meager crop and gathered everything on Anias' list of stocks she needed. Then to the old womans house they went. Once inside Ania began mixxing meal and running the press, Skar grew bored and sat next to the fireplace, slowly drifting off staring at the flame.
* As Ania cooked and hummed happily, Skar was so wrapped in the dance of the flame he began to have a vision* This vison started clouwdy then develops into a almost sureal visage as if he had stepped into the abyss its self.... Skar was a dark maelstrom Debris hurling round and round as a quasi face emerged this face looked down, so then did Skar look down. Below him he saw a stone altar with the prone form of Ania lashed to it helpless a look of horror on her face a balzened mark flamed to life from her forehead, and Skar saw himself. He saw his body curled and bloodied, his fur pelt stripped crudely from him and by the wide open mouth on his corpse he could only guess it had been done while he yet lived.... a blood trail led to the maelstrom he saw his heart thrown to the side and then to his horror, he heard Anias' screams. Her bellows and the ferral howl she let loose was ear pierceing and full of pain. The anguish of the howl and the look on Anias face began to draw at the inner rage Skar had always close to the surface. His rage grew the primal urge to hunt this foul beast raised his heart rate, his blood boiled..... And then as suddenly as it shaped up the vision disappeared and Skar awoke sweating profusly his muscles spasmed and then he heard Anias soothing humming as bowls were being mixed and then the smell of baked goods came from the kitchen. Shaking this thought off, Skar arose and strode into the kitchen reaching for Anias waist he grasped her and turned her around. Ania was starttled but not surprised the same desire had been crossing her mind at that moment... and then the pair began to kiss, a slow but passionate kiss that lasted for many minutes. At its conclusion Skar made a pact with Ania, that he would defend her to his own death, he had seen the worst case laid before him... and if it came to that, then that was whaat it would be.
As the next few weeks went along they travled together hunted together slept together and did nothing seperate... they bonded and mated to the four winds with their packs.... damn what they all thought, the pair had fallen in love... the visions began to flood them both during the night sometimes of glory other times of disaster. Skar was blissfully unaware, but another vision had haunted Anias dreams, one not only of what Skar had seen, but of a child.... she was lashed to the alter as a sacrifice sure enough, but from her the a child would be taken, as Skar had though of the qaulities of a child so too had the Wyrm beasts of the land. Vile corrupted spirits aid now the cause of the Wyrm, spirits even of kin. The amazons of the island, the Garou that once called this place home.. Now she saw the reason they had allowed her to escape, and the others along with her... fear welled in her as she held her belly knowing in that instance what was about to become and fearing not for herself but for the child. |
|  | | Shesh'Ahl Yeoman

Posts : 35 Join date : 2024-12-11
 | Subject: Re: Ania and Skar the story after the shadow invasion and the selection for sacrifice. Sat Feb 04, 2024 9:53 pm | |
| Awakening to fright Ania startled Skar to his feet as he reached for his blade looking about the darkness of the cave as his eyes slowly adjusted, the same vision invading his own dreams.... the pair shared a moment of silence looking to each other. In that moment the pair nodded at each other knowing that there was only one thing to be done....
As fate would have it, a man wandered on the pair, he was dressed in a tuetonic crossed tabbard over darkly staind plate armor, a torch in his hand and a large iron blade in his hand. He wore a cross around his neck, and carried a shield emblazoned with a family crest. Skars animalistic sense of smell that was highly develpoed told him though this figure looked a man he had the stench of a leech about him, he mutter this to Ania and the pair circled the knight.... for long moments they moved trying to gain position but remembering the Sept Alphas words, " We must work with those willing to aid in fighting thee darkness" Seeing the man wearing the cross of the One God, the pair realized though he maybe a leech, he had the trappings of one willing to aid them.
A lengthy conversation went on started by Ania, then the armored vampire knight listened and replied, then Skar added in.... Back and forth the conversation went for the better part of a day, the armored knight finally laying his sword and shield against the wall removed his helm and introduced himself cordially, " I am Conrad of the Rhine. My families estate is held intact by my grandchildren of the living life I had. I offer you my services as you have asked. Know I take no joy in waht you ask... I do this to rid the island of its taint, I do this as a friend not an enemy... I will see your bodies cared for and the proper rites performed to expunge the taint of the Devil from your souls.
Skar would then lean his sword against the wall and hold Ania after she leaned her spear against the cave wall as well, the pair embraced for one last time. Conrad raised his blade saluted the pairs backs and, a humming swoosh rang in the air the the sound of skin being sliced and bine being rended then again skin rending and bone breaking then two cracks as skulls hit the floor and then a sickening gurgleing and splash as bodies fall into a pool of blood.
At that moment, Conrad would lean down to the pair gather their heads place them ontop of their bodies and suddenly, something began to claw and rip its way out of the belly of Ania.... with revulsion Conrad saw the thing, then decided he didnt have what it takes to slay the creature... but surely the hideous thing would become prey for the bears that would surly return....
Hefting the bodies in his inhuman stregth the heads tied in a sack at his waist Conrad would go covered in blood to the place of the standing stones as the pair asked, beyound the water fall... he would leave the bodies respectfully laid out.... their heads placed on each ones chest their weapons laid in their hands. He would give one last salute and tear off a piece of his tabbard knowing the Garou would recognize his scent he left the bit of torn cloth wrapped around the spears shaft belonging to Ania*
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