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 DM RP Reward Token

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Posts : 127
Join date : 2024-06-23

PostSubject: DM RP Reward Token   Sat Jan 21, 2024 8:36 pm

I have decided to add in some additional things to the server to spice up some stuff.

So I decided that DMs for plot events can yield out DM reward tokens to people. These tokens do not have a completely defined outcome yet. But I will put in some of the ideas below.

It allows itself to be redeemed for various things. Below is some possiblities.

1- 5,000 Experience
2- One Point of a Race
5- One Standard item At or Below Silver, Name Change optional, Level one gift you would normally have access too,
10- Custom Item at silver standards; Level one or two gift your character might not normally have access too
15- Custom Item at Enchanted Silver Standards
20- A Grand Enchanted Silver status item. (custom)
25- 1 Epic knowledge book for spell casting classes.

This List is a rough idea and will still be worked on. But all those who have them redeemed for will be noted by all DM staff, and custom items must be cleared through myself prior to being given unless a name change alone is the only edit.
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DM RP Reward Token
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