Omen Eclispe- a world of fantasy, horror, and intrigue. A place set in the Dark Ages a time of death, struggle and riches. A place where not everything is what it seems and the night takes on a life of its own. |
| | Garou Ranks/Renown Information | |
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DawnWalker Garou Guru

Posts : 59 Join date : 2024-06-16 Age : 28 Location : S, AZ
 | Subject: Garou Ranks/Renown Information Sun Jun 28, 2024 9:50 pm | |
| There are seven ranks in Garou, and each auspice must meet different requirements in order to rise in rank. A player gains renown by doing deeds that the narrator feels would be admirable in the eyes of the spirits.
Types of Renown
_____________________________________________________________ Glory
Gained by proving how brave you are and how much of a beating you can take. Common ways to gain glory is to kill a threat to Gaia or die working to defend Gaia.
Honor is tied much more into daily activities. A Garou can gain honor by protecting the Veil, preforming regular monthly duties to the sept, or something as harsh as resisting torture.
This is said to be the hardest type of renown to get because the actions taken to get it can be hard to see. Ways to gain it though are as easy as giving good advice, proving that something is of the wyrm, giving a true prophetic warning, or even finding a lost cairn.
Ranks among the Garou
Cub: Rank Zero
You automatically receive this rank after a character goes through first change, and it's a very common starting point for Minds Eye Theater Players. In the eyes of the Garou nation you are a babe no matter what your age may be. Cubhood is meant to teach a Garou about the society that they will now be part of and learning how to fight. They can't be challenged for their level of renown and it is the duty of the den parents or septs alpha to decide when they are ready to move on from cubhood by preforming the Rite of Passage at the end of which a tribal spirit will claim the cub.
Duties: Learn as much as you can about Garou society and your place in it. Respect your elders and those of higher ranks; Don't Die.
Cliath: Rank One
This is the most common rank when looking at a traditional Garou Sept. If you've made it this far in Garou society it means you aren't totally useless since you have survived your Rite of Passage, now it's time for you to prove yourself to the nation. They rarely hold sept positions and are usually being watched or asked to do little jobs by those of higher rank.
Duties: Serve the sept regularly and continue to learn about Garou society. As always, respect those of higher rank.
Fostern: Rank Two
The traditional minimum rank for a member of the Garou nation to hold in order to have a sept position. They have proven that while they may still be young they are not stupid, lazy, or otherwise useless to the nation.
Duties: Serve the sept regularly and help those of younger rank learn. Your actions now though will reflect back more harshly on you instead of those teaching you.
Adren: Rank Three
Not many Garou make it to the rank of Adren, but they are the leaders in training and must work to gain the influence that the higher ranks will require them to have.
Duties: Teach those beneath them while learning what it means to be a leader among the Garou
Athro: Rank Four
These Garou have seen a lot, and they have worked hard to gain the respect of both the spirits and that nation in order to achieve their rank. These individuals are the leaders at septs and are considered the universal teachers among the Garou.
Duties: Teach those beneath them while learning what it means to be a leader among the Garou
Elder: Rank Five
Are at the peak of their abilities as Garou and are extremely strong and powerful. They have the respect of all those below them and are the second rarest rank among living Garou.
Legend: Rank Six
Heroes of Myth, those who have attained this rank are those who you sing songs about, or are recorded into your Clans history. Sadly those who achieve the Legendary status are doomed to self sacrifice at some point in their existence for the Greater Good of Garou society.
To Achieve this rank one must do something so heroic, so mind blowing, that songs are written about your deeds and female Kin splay themselves in front of you for babies. [Example]: Defeat a godly Wyrm beast by yourself, rescue a Sept from destruction, Save the World, Play 300 and survive an onslaught of over 2000 Black Spiral Dancers, Etc.
Server Note: In the entire history of the NeverWinter Nights WW server, I've only seen 1 player has gained this rank. He was Helios Sin (GideonLight) and will always be held in High regards in my eyes. |
|  | | TheShadowWithen Serf

Posts : 7 Join date : 2024-06-16
 | Subject: Garou Renown! Glory Honor And Wisdom Fri Jan 29, 2024 4:39 pm | |
| Renown:
Werewolves are social creatures. This statement may seem ironic, given their touchy tempers and capacity for extreme brutality, but even the flintiest werewolf has an instinctive need to be with others of his/her kind. Both humans and wolves gather in communities where they share with their comrades and compete both within the community for standing, and together against other communities. The tribe, the sept and the pack all anchor the individual werewolf against the forces that drag her away from her duties. The community calms anger when it’s inappropriate, inspires rage when the time is right, teaches lore, advises, rescues from distress and passes on the legacies of the past. In a way, nothing really happens to werewolves until the community acknowledges it. Werewolves don’t just want to defeat Gaia’s enemies: They want to be honored for doing so. Many Garou would happily die rather than face dishonor before their comrades, and most seek to raise themselves in the eyes of their peers. This rise to fame is measured in Renown – without it, one cannot advance in Garou society. The requirements for advancing in rank differ for each auspice, and for good reason. A Garou who exemplifies his/her auspice is held in greater esteem than one who seems to go against her nature. A Theurge may be a powerful and capable combatant, but if he doesn’t know any rituals or have any dealings with spirits, he will be met with disapproval, and won’t advance his/her standing within the tribe. The Sample Renown Awards chart offers a few guidelines for awarding Renown by category – but what constitutes a major or minor feat of significance is situational; killing three well-armed fomori is a mighty deed for a Cliath Garou, but it is practically routine for an Elder. |
|  | | TheShadowWithen Serf

Posts : 7 Join date : 2024-06-16
 | Subject: Re: Garou Ranks/Renown Information Fri Jan 29, 2024 4:41 pm | |
| Gaining and Loseing
All Renown awards are given as temporary Renown in one of three categories: Glory, Honor and Wisdom. They have no real effect until the player amasses 10 temporary points in any one category, at which point he becomes eligible to increase the character’s permanent Renown. He must convince another Garou (of equal or higher Rank than the character, and not a member of his pack) to perform the Rite of Accomplishment for him. If successful, the Garou has gone up slightly in standing among Garou, and he adds a point of permanent Renown in that category; his temporary Renown in that category returns to zero. If the character can’t or won’t find someone to perform the rite, he has an alternative – he can challenge a higher-ranked Garou when he has the requisite number of temporary Renown. Should he succeed, he gains a point of permanent Renown; if he fails he doesn’t. But either way, he loses all his temporary Renown in that category. Just as noble acts and valiant deeds can raise a Garou in others’ esteem, lapses of judgment or moments of weakness can bring shame from his peers. Say, for instance, that a Garou defeats a rival in a duel, but he ignores his opponent’s cry for surrender and kills him. This action is an unquestionable breach of the Litany, but the Master of the Challenge might forgive it because the victor was in the grip of frenzy and he seemed regretful afterward. The offending Garou will lose temporary Renown, but he faces no other consequences. Should the Garou make a habit of killing other Garou in real or provoked “challenges” however – especially when the opponent tries to surrender – he will surely face the loss of permanent Renown. The only way to maintain Renown in the face of such intense societal disapproval is to prove to the elders that the loss of face was undeserved. Tests, ordeals or quests are common remedies in this circumstance.
If a character doesn’t have sufficient temporary Renown to make up for the deficit, a point of permanent Renown is converted into 10 temporary Renown in order to make up the difference. A character can even lose rank in this fashion – if a character suffers a loss of permanent Renown that drops the rating below the requirements of her current rank, she loses all benefits and privileges of that rank. She may retain knowledge and Gifts learned at that rank, however.
Traditionally, each auspice has a role in the gaining and losing of Renown. Ahrouns recommend Garou for Glory, Philodox recommend for Honor, and Theurges recommend for Wisdom. Galliards sing of the deeds of the Garou, granting the Renown recommended to them by the Ahrouns , Philodox and Theurges, and the Ragabash watch for inappropriate behavior, stripping Renown from the undeserving. These roles vary from sept to sept. |
|  | | TheShadowWithen Serf

Posts : 7 Join date : 2024-06-16
 | Subject: Re: Garou Ranks/Renown Information Fri Jan 29, 2024 4:49 pm | |
| GLORY Sample Behavior: | Award: | Proving one’s bravery in less-than-lethal circumstances, participating in a just challenge | +1 | Surviving an incapacitating wound, defeating a minor threat | +2 | Defeating an average threat, surviving a hostile Umbral Realm | +3 | Defeating a strong threat, dying while defending a caern (posthumous) | +5 | Defeating a very powerful threat, sacrificing oneself to save a caern and its defenders | +7 | Refusing a sept position, suffering a 'fox' frenzy | -1 | Not preventing a caern from being overrun by the Wyrm | -3 | Conscious cowardice that resulted in the death of another Garou | -5 |
|  | | TheShadowWithen Serf

Posts : 7 Join date : 2024-06-16
 | Subject: Re: Garou Ranks/Renown Information Fri Jan 29, 2024 4:57 pm | |
| HONOR Sample Behavior: | Award: | Helping guard a caern, performing regular duties and chores for the sept for a month | +1 | Performing a moot or punishment rite, participating in a just challenge, protecting a helpless human | +2 | Mediating a dispute fairly and impartially, protecting the Veil by covering up incidents that might reveal the Garou’s existence to humans | +3 | Being truthful in the face of extreme adversity, dying while defending a caern (posthumous), protecting a helpless wolf | +5 | Enduring torture to protect fellow Garou, sacrificing oneself to save a caern and its defenders | +7 | Speaking without permission at a moot, not protecting a helpless human, speaking ill of another tribe (depending on circumstance) | -1 | Refusing a sept position, failing to perform regular duties and chores for the caern in the last month | -2 | Participating in an unjust challenge, abandoning a post while on watch, not protecting a helpless wolf | -3 | Harming or rending the Veil, not protecting a helpless Garou | -5 |
|  | | TheShadowWithen Serf

Posts : 7 Join date : 2024-06-16
 | Subject: Re: Garou Ranks/Renown Information Fri Jan 29, 2024 5:03 pm | |
| WISDOMSample Behavior | Award | Learning a new rite, creating a talen, healing a fellow Garou unselfishly (not of one’s pack) | +1 | Giving good advice, discovering a fetish after following mystic signs and advice, summoning an Incarna | +2 | Revealing with certain proof that an area or object is “of the Wyrm”, successfully completing a spirit quest, besting someone (including a spirit) in a riddle contest | +3 | Giving a prophetic warning that comes true later, ending a threat without serious harm to any Garou | +5 | Discovering an ancient caern that was lost, discovering or creating a new Gift | +7 | Refusing a sept position, suffering a frenzy, missing a Moot Rite without good reason | -1 | Having poor relations with nearby Kinfolk, attacking a much more powerful force without aid | -3 | Breaking a powerful and necessary fetish accidentally | -5 |
|  | | TheShadowWithen Serf

Posts : 7 Join date : 2024-06-16
 | Subject: Re: Garou Ranks/Renown Information Fri Jan 29, 2024 5:06 pm | |
| Rank: To be eligible to advance in rank, a character needs to have attained the number of permanent Renown points listed next to that rank on the Renown chart. The amount in each Renown category varies by auspice. Gaining the required points is only half of the process. A character must also challenge a Garou of equal or higher rank to the one she wishes to attain. The character may choose whom to challenge, but the elder chooses the nature of the contest, and he may make it as easy or as hard as he wishes. If the character wins, the character is honor-bound to accept the character’s new rank. |
|  | | TheShadowWithen Serf

Posts : 7 Join date : 2024-06-16
 | Subject: Re: Garou Ranks/Renown Information Fri Jan 29, 2024 5:09 pm | |
| While i know there is no system to keep track of the renown in game its good to see just how your actions are Vied by the rest of the Garou in terms of whats acceptable and such and oneday there might be a system to track it ^.^ |
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