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 Koani Ehawee

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Posts : 39
Join date : 2024-02-05

PostSubject: Koani Ehawee   Mon Jan 02, 2024 10:51 pm

Koani Ehawee
Garou Name: Fang of Reason

Breed: Lupus
Clan: Children of Gaia
Auspice: Philodox, of the Waning Moon
Rank: Cliath of the Sept of the Dreamer's Eye
Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 154 lbs
Age: 4 years, 7 months

As a human, Koani seems waifishly tousled. Her dark hair tends to be untended to, other than the beads braided into it, and her form is that of a healthy woman- strong limbs and a hearty figure, kept in shape with constant exercise, it seems. She has a faintly dusky tinge to her skin, and the sloped eyes usually found only in indigenous peoples.
The truth is, Koani's homid form is taken from the humans she first encountered- the Native Americans she first learned from after the confusing First Change she had. Whether by chance, region, or simply affected by her experience with them, her homid form has taken on the appearance of the people she associated so well with.
Her eyes are wide, intelligent, and perceptive- the color of them a dark-goldenrod, like honey and amber if it were somehow able to trap the wisdom of an elder- though she seems quite young, perhaps on the verge her second decade. Her skin is clear and healthy, but her hands are rough, and her body is littered with a small web of scars, upon her arms, and her torso, the hints of battle disappearing under her clothing.

As a wolf, Koani still retains the utter abandon as in her homid form- though her eyes are the same, filled with shrewdness and often fixated upon whom she encounters with an unsettling amount of comprehension for a wolf. Her fur is thick and dark, patches of grey on her muzzle, chest, and forelegs. Though she seems like a normal wolf, she has a perception that is disquieting, her nose acute and her ears swiveling with a flick before she turns her head towards where she detected the sound. In her lupine form, Koani constantly seems to be noticing everything around her- even if she does not seem to actively be attempting the task of it.

Koani is a good garou, but a bit of a bad human. While she is curious and inquisitive, she hasn't quite shook the innate suspicion of mankind from her mind. Combined with her difficulty of speaking (and indeed, her hesitance to speak for this reason), this makes her seem standoffish. Despite that, however, she is an intelligent woman that is still learning quite a bit about the world around her. She is honestly cheerful, sincere, but wise enough to know when to take on the aspect of seriousness. She often ponders to herself, and the machinations in her head are continuously at work- and it given a choice, she would rather be a pacifist.

Her Rage is something different entirely. Being a wolf, beforehand, certainly, there was a small range of emotions she felt- contentment, after a good meal and a run, settling into shelter surrounded by her pack. Anger, when one of the other pack members would overstep their bounds. Sadness, when she had failed to retrieve food or was caught without her pack or when she was caught in a storm without shelter. Fear, when she encountered humans and things she did not understand. All these simple emotions were instinctual and kept her alive.
The First Change magnified her emotional responses, whereupon she almost instantly was overwhelmed of her newly-recieved rational thought. The additional range of feeling, and the labyrinthine, provocative new emotions she'd felt- the transitory moments of elation, fury, horror, and the rest- had been the most gleeful and perturbing results of the First Change.

And the Rage, it always simmered there. It still does. Koani simply knows, now, to control it, to soothe it, to put it off until she finds one worthy enough to relinquish her hold upon the amplified eruption burning inside her. She seeks to control her rage- to balance it, as she must. She accepts it as part of herself- a necessary one, and a natural one.

Koani was born to a lupus Uktena, upon the shores of America, where the ash and birch thrived. For an entire year, she grew, from pup to yearling, and when it came time, she left, to find her own pack. There was no drama- there was no traumatizing action that spurred her to this. That came later, when she changed, for the first time.

After the change, and the shock of emotion and the overwhelming state of thought she possessed, she was taken in by the natives of the land, and taught, for a long time, how to 'blend'. She has the language down- barely- and she understands customs enough to not violate the Veil. However, her thoughts and understanding of language- especially that of the white people- is limited. She is lost on the idea of religion (beyond Spirits, anyway), and many other social mores are beyond her. A few years does not make a socialite, after all.

And when the time came, a boat was made. An umiak, a strange vessel from a northern tribe, was retrieved, and a mission made. Eager to earn her place and help the people who had taken her in, Koani joined the mission.

The last thing she remembered was a giant wave...

And she woke up on the shores of Omen, battered, bruised, and hundreds of miles away, with little explanation for what she was doing there. She could only explain it as the grace of Gaia- and when she learned of the ensuing darkness, she could not just leave it.

Starting Merits

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Merits Needing Confirmation from ST/Possible Experience Gained Merits

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Posts : 39
Join date : 2024-02-05

PostSubject: Re: Koani Ehawee   Thu Jan 19, 2024 9:46 pm

A Portrait of Koani Ehawee, circa 1348

Please do not use this picture without first contacting me about its use. I commissioned it and I would have to ask the artist if it could be used, to respect her wishes.
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Koani Ehawee
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