Omen Eclispe- a world of fantasy, horror, and intrigue. A place set in the Dark Ages a time of death, struggle and riches. A place where not everything is what it seems and the night takes on a life of its own. |
| | Special Character Request~! | |
| Author | Message |
Daybringer Serf

Posts : 5 Join date : 2024-08-16 Location : Over there.
 | Subject: Special Character Request~! Sun Jan 01, 2024 7:21 am | |
| Prod me for more detail if required~!
Character Name: Winry/Elizabeth Special Requests: Character classes: Black Guard & Sorc Species: Vampire Clan: Ravnos Character Background/Concept
Background: Winry in her human life was of Roma (or a gypsy if you want to be politically incorrect), going about and spinning interesting tales in order to earn coin to get by with. Developing quite a talent for this, especially with how fanciful and broadly imagined these tales were, she eventually became the subject of some interest as various peoples would gather about to watch, listen, and be merry. This being all well and good for a long while, never quite finding a suitor not for lack of trying, rather but simply for a lack of never finding someone interesting enough. On a day as common as any other, going on about yet another new fascinating and original tale it came to pass that she finally drew the attention of someone, more unusual the the casual traveler, though not a vampire or werewolf, but rather that of a muse; a muse who had sadly been taken in by the taint of the wyrm twisting her, now acting much the part of a demon, staying in the back of the crowd face hidden behind veil and heavy dress. The muse Lurabella saw this youthful woman Winry (what a pathetic name she thought) as a useful sort, and would take her on as an agent, or truly slave. She didn't much care for her current 'agents' in the world most of them of the toreador and ravnos all of them falling a bit 'short' so concerned with the masquerade they would not act, or so lacking in talent there was no point, and the final few not even being properly bound to her, she thus desired a new agent to bring new stories into the world and this lass would fulfill that role whether she liked it or not.
And so it fell to, a vampire of eldest generation she had in the region, of course also the only one in the desert that Winry was traveling through, a man who was known for his own talent with illusions, having in the past been something of a fancy for Lurabella though he never swore his allegiance she knew that he valued what power she offered him to enhance his power over illusion. A deal was made as simple as these things ever go, he would sire the gypsy lass, and offer the fledgling completely over to the muse, in exchange further powers. The act itself played out beautifully, the lass finished one of her stories noticing that the various wagons of her caravan had shifted, thinking herself too engrossed in her story to notice the others who made the camp her home had moved them for one reason or another, she would seek out her usual resting place, a bit of a mat off the back of a wagon worn with age. Sadly however she had no idea just how far she had walked from the camp, in fact she had gone several miles, and was now simply miming actions in the air, fully enraptured in illusion, she would undress inside a wagon that did not exist, seeming a bit average all in all if a bit on the slim side. The elder vampire didn't even bother to make his presence known as she lay sleeping, or so she thought such was the power of his illusion, offering her a bit of a nightmare to distract her from the draining of blood, followed by a peaceful dream of the sucking on juice from an overripe fruit, whilst offering his own, and then.. nothing. His task complete he would leave her to her fate at the hands of Lurabella, rewarded as her agents always were.
The lass awakening soon after, or rather realizing that she was awake she would find her rather nude form outstretched before a rather fair looking 'woman', piercing eyes staring down upon her. As Winry tried to gain her bearings, she would note that she was not by her camp, but far from it though she could see its lights in the distance, rather she was out in the desert, and her cloths missing. She could now tell she was not living a dream, though was overwhelmed as was the usual with all the stories she could spin from such an opening event. It was in fact several long moments of trying to gain Winry's attention before Lurabella finally managed it, apparently having made several attempts well Winry's mind wandered.
The dealings that followed were simple enough, though made all too complex by the strange patterns of speech. Her new found 'life' or 'unlife' as it were spelled out, though spoken of in terms so gaudy and nearly incomprehensible that indeed it would be difficult to grasp between the two spinners of words.
Winry's status, willing slave, or willing ash by the light of the next dawns sun, not much of a choice really her life surely taken from her in either case she would have no trace of her former life, save the stories in her head, her name forgotten soon enough with the first drinking of blood from her mistress, her stories twisted and warped in her mind, made to be thought real and unreal at the same time, history and myth becoming lost to one another.
From then on her dress now that of the muses choosing, however there was no clothing for that was all illusion, her home decorated like a palace but only one room also an illusion for truly Winry was kept caged away hardl ever moving her mind fully enraptured by her mistress and her blood, a lair hidden away in a mountain she would not remember where it is, truly it would be years since she saw much of anything but illusion. Everyday she would drink a bit more from her mistress, everyday she would repay with new stories born from her own mind, and new illusions, practice, for indeed the Lurabella had once been a muse in full rights, and knew how to inspire, and even in the darkness still remembered and still had powers of such things of imagination. Winry's mind was easy to cultivate, for in truth she had talent enough to compete with any of her current agents. Reality hallucination, and illusion, becoming murky and blurred in the girls mind, no longer borders the mind would usually offer, thus came the muses greatest and most difficult to earn gift, and curse. With a final suckling of her mistresses blood her mind would shatter entirely. Reality and illusion becoming one and the same, the cost, her history in its entirety, the entirety of personal memories. The only things left were things not bound to her at all, history taught to her, the stories her own and others. Her sense of self gone, even if her name was lost long ago, surely she was unsure she ever had one, a state perfect for the muse to paint, a canvas with but a light background painted already, the foreground completely gone, or perhaps there was never one, at this point it did not matter.
And so the muse had the perfect 'agent' naming her Elizabeth through the link of blood and illusion. Her history? As far back as she could remember which was quite some time since infancy in fact, she was always raised by her mistress, eager to serve and please in whatever way was desired, learning stories and coming up with new, a 'happy' childhood if twisted and dark, growing into adulthood and then gaining her immortality through her mistress as well, though learning of other 'false' stories of which to tell others, that she was of the clan ravnos, a lie between her and her mistress. Her role to her mistress was absolute, born a slave, to die a slave, but this was only a most fortunate of occasion for the one truth in all of this that the one now known as Elizabeth had always been fond of making stories, and for her mistress, that was all that was now desired.
And so finally the time for Elizabeth to venture out into the world, to make new stories a reality, sent out to the village of omen, a place where the masquerade is almost an after thought for all the super natural activity carrying on there. Her mistress watching through Elizabeth's own eyes, not much caring for much more but a bit of entertainment, and if Elizabeth couldn't provide, well, Elizabeth could easily be erased from the canvas, and replaced with someone potentially more useful.
Reasoning for black guard and sorceress classes: Blackguards are based around serving a dark entity IE: her wyrm twisted muse, sorceress for obvious reasons of illusions taking on real effects - all imagined magic can become real with enough effort from her special power gained from her wyrm twisted muse, the whole spell system representing the length of effort that she can apply growing stronger over time as she both practices and appeases her mistress. She can of course also generate the Ravnos' brand illusions and the like allowing for enchantment spells and the like to be especially handy. |
|  | | Engineer_of_Ages Yeoman

Posts : 37 Join date : 2024-11-17
 | Subject: Questions Wed Jan 04, 2024 3:51 am | |
| The muse Lurabella, who is she, what is she, please define her better. "but rather that of a muse; a muse who had sadly been taken in by the taint of the wyrm twisting her, now acting much the part of a demon" -How was she twisted, was she a person turned into Famori, was she a bane or a demon? How is she connected to the Wyrm?
Have you ever read the Ravnos Clanbook?
"spinning interesting tales in order to earn coin to get by with." - Your a bard or rogue here. Makes no sense with your class/build request.
Ravnos embracing you at someone else's request?
Keeping you in constant illusions, he's either very low generation(ie: 4-6th) or he killed hundreds of people to have enough blood to do so.
"her name forgotten soon enough with the first drinking of blood from her mistress," - Is your Mistress a vampire? What good is the blood if not?
"And so finally the time for Elizabeth to venture out into the world, to make new stories a reality, sent out to the village of omen, a place where the masquerade is almost an after thought for all the super natural activity carrying on there. Her mistress watching through Elizabeth's own eyes, not much caring for much more but a bit of entertainment, and if Elizabeth couldn't provide, well, Elizabeth could easily be erased from the canvas, and replaced with someone potentially more useful."
This makes no sense if your a vampire.
Things I noticed about your bio; 1. You were never taught illusions only bound into them perpetually by someone else. 2. They don't even seem like illusions but rather seem like someone is using dominate on you. 3. Dominate: Forgetful Mind, Dominate: Conditioning, Dominate: Possession are all capable of making you into the above. 4. Demons don't have people embraced for any reason EVER. You don't corrupt a soul only to make it so that it never dies.
Questions: Are you just a conditioned ghoul, never really embraced only blood bound? Were you embraced then conditioned and told you were a Ravnos by your muse?
Possibilities: Dominated Ghoul Dominated Catiff Dominated Human
all imagined magic can become real with enough effort from her special power gained from her wyrm twisted muse What power is this exactly as defined in the WoD setting. We need to know.
Nowhere in your bio does it state you are anything but the above. Please answer these questions or provide us with more information with regards to this character so that we might better review it for character approval or denial.
-DM Engineer
|  | | Daybringer Serf

Posts : 5 Join date : 2024-08-16 Location : Over there.
 | Subject: Re: Special Character Request~! Wed Jan 04, 2024 4:50 am | |
| - Engineer_of_Ages wrote:
- The muse Lurabella, who is she, what is she, please define her better.
"but rather that of a muse; a muse who had sadly been taken in by the taint of the wyrm twisting her, now acting much the part of a demon" -How was she twisted, was she a person turned into Famori, was she a bane or a demon? How is she connected to the Wyrm?
I have no idea what those things are she is mysterious as she need be to get past the requirements, of what would be needed, she is a tainted mythical being if something doesn't describe what she might be in some sort of white wolf publishing hand book then shes something somewhat different.
Have you ever read the Ravnos Clanbook? No I don't really have lots of cash to spend on books that run about 3 dollars per page x.x;
"spinning interesting tales in order to earn coin to get by with." - Your a bard or rogue here. Makes no sense with your class/build request. The build is to represent her super natural talent, bard and rogue are also do not require a special form to combine them... you don't need to be a bard or a rogue to be known for your imagination, further this is her human life as it were, it would be like requiring a tremere to multiclass before being a wizard, or an assamite to do the same - even though wizard or sorcerer character do have basic things - were translating real world into game world
Ravnos embracing you at someone else's request? For power, yes, an immortal play thing needed to make stories
Keeping you in constant illusions, he's either very low generation(ie: 4-6th) or he killed hundreds of people to have enough blood to do so. Muses are said to have the power to enter dreams and so on to inspire, its not a vampire keeping her in the illusion but rather the muse who is feeding her, her own supernatural essence, completely different species - no high generation actually required here - I don't want to ask for a lower generation character on top of class needs so I left it open
Also according to this: making an illusion permanent requires only rank 4 in the discipline
"her name forgotten soon enough with the first drinking of blood from her mistress," - Is your Mistress a vampire? What good is the blood if not? My game experience in a previous incarnation of the server was a vampire gaining power from drinking the blood of a demon, there are also demonic covenants and the like to be had place this interaction in the same catagory
"And so finally the time for Elizabeth to venture out into the world, to make new stories a reality, sent out to the village of omen, a place where the masquerade is almost an after thought for all the super natural activity carrying on there. Her mistress watching through Elizabeth's own eyes, not much caring for much more but a bit of entertainment, and if Elizabeth couldn't provide, well, Elizabeth could easily be erased from the canvas, and replaced with someone potentially more useful."
This makes no sense if your a vampire. Shes a vampire turned minion, blood to devour for super natural ability, and for a muse who is either long lived or immortal spending so much time on a subject that would only have 20 years of youth would be folly. This is not winry/elizabeths preference she didn't choose the life - she was simply abused twisted and manipulated based on a mindset and the ability to make stories that interest people. Its... a fantasy/supernatural/scifi thriller/with roman dieties to boot, some suspension of belief is.. useful
Things I noticed about your bio; 1. You were never taught illusions only bound into them perpetually by someone else. The muse taught them, again muses have the ability to delve in and inspire, entering dreams and so on - its not so different from the ravnos' power to influence senses and the muse herself had contact with other ravnos' - she is kept from the clan itself, firstly to not fall into a clan hierarchy and thus be useless, and secondly on a bit of an ooc note, I really don't have source book upon source book to look over to come up with the 'perfectly fitting story and character' so its a plot device to deal with my OOC lack of knowledge that keep IC errors of the same sort plausible its a lil cheap but the best I can manage. I'm trying to have fun here not spend over 300 dollars on books for a NWN server ^^; 2. They don't even seem like illusions but rather seem like someone is using dominate on you. Switching senses and permanent again that seems to be chimerstry #4s entire deal combined with the lesser effects - the full character power is actually chimerstry #5 whereby she uses illusions to make them real, her whole excess power from playing with the demon is the black guard levels and effecting the environment (once she hits chimerstry anyways 5 which.. she will as soon as I'd get levels to do so) 3. Dominate: Forgetful Mind, Dominate: Conditioning, Dominate: Possession are all capable of making you into the above. - effects all 5 senses etc etc, a bit different and with a different basis 4. Demons don't have people embraced for any reason EVER. You don't corrupt a soul only to make it so that it never dies. Yeah umm see my first responses at the top with a variation of whatever it would need be to fit, as a backstory the muse is tainted, she wants to see stories happen - equate it to people wishing Tolkien lived longer so he could write more books - except shes a mythical being with minions of the vampiric sort already including ravnos (romani) and toreador - also things wyrm tainted.
Keeping in mind there are npcs in the server who fit this very same mold as mythical tainted/twisted beings
Questions: Are you just a conditioned ghoul, never really embraced only blood bound? Nope - neither she is mentally in shambles by excess exposure to a being who wants nothing but to have an useful puppet. A slightly darker version of common themes in fantasy novels and... anime Were you embraced then conditioned and told you were a Ravnos by your muse? Told ravnos by her muse creature in order to associate with vampires get blood, twists fate etc, basic information on the clan already on hand
Possibilities: Dominated Ghoul Dominated Catiff Dominated Human ?
all imagined magic can become real with enough effort from her special power gained from her wyrm twisted muse which has its own rules and stipulations hence limiting it to the NWN spell lists
What power is this exactly as defined in the WoD setting. We need to know. Servant of an evil force, Chimerstry 5, making effects real to those that are effect to them + added effect onto the environment - it might seem OP in white wolf terms but in nwn terms this fits sorc + bg easily
Nowhere in your bio does it state you are anything but the above. Please answer these questions or provide us with more information with regards to this character so that we might better review it for character approval or denial.
-DM Engineer
As a side note, I find it a bit troublesome with the lack of resources in game and in forums to go off of, to have to have an expert knowledge of a setting and systems to request things. Granted I understand wanting to be faithful to white wolf things, but as a player filling this out and being expected to answer certain things was, rather difficult for me
To put things in my perspective I like the idea of playing agent characters from harpers to a long list of other things, going in.. having a task in mind something you need to do and try out. I find that sort of thing gives you motivation and a path to follow, hence my characters always are part of some organization or follow something else's lead or sometimes even an idealized concept IE: Riely's insane goodie two shoesness - that way there is always something to do or a 'correct' path to take or in some cases not quite follow with tremendous conflict (<3 Drama!) but in Riely's case, just standing there when someone beats her to death and then losing the character (which almost happened already) I think I would be rather bothered without another character to play. I also like mage characters to death, my favorite class is sorc... I don't want to play a blood addict assassin sorc combination, (though I don't mind the assassin part) which while available here, and maybe easier to do, just kind of loses its flavor. As to black guard, that comes as an after effect of having her wyrm tainted mistress, she fits the profile for everything black guard is described as... and provides a higher will save which is absolutely required for the character to work with the will save required to use skills nature of the server. Going further black guard also allows the use of weapons to everything else allowed by the class including sneak attacks and everything else which also goes nicely with a character set on pushing to make interesting tales. Finally I played a gypsy-like character on another server for a short time, I had fun with it, the ravnos' are gypsies having one whose a storyteller is fun - add in some twisted illusions and so on, and everything else I love about NWN, various characters and so on... its almost bordering on euphoria for me.
|  | | Indian_Summer Yeoman

Posts : 39 Join date : 2024-02-05
 | Subject: Re: Special Character Request~! Wed Jan 04, 2024 1:33 pm | |
| - Quote :
- Finally I played a gypsy-like character on another server for a short time, I had fun with it, the ravnos' are gypsies having one whose a storyteller is fun - add in some twisted illusions and so on, and everything else I love about NWN, various characters and so on... its almost bordering on euphoria for me.
Having played a Ravnos before I will tell you right now that you need to go look at at least the wikipedia page for them. They are NOT gypsies and in fact that's the common misunderstood stereotype.
Other links:
Good luck with maturing and improving your request, though! |
|  | | Engineer_of_Ages Yeoman

Posts : 37 Join date : 2024-11-17
 | Subject: Don't cop out Wed Jan 04, 2024 2:08 pm | |
Type in Ravnos Clanbook.pdf Type in Book of the Wyrm.pdf Type in anything you want .pdf and you should be able to find what you need.
Disclaimer: IF you are applying for a SPECIAL character concept you NEED to know what your playing, not just type in I'd like to play a "bird that flies on the wind with magical powers that come out of its ass" cause it will just be a plain out NO. Do the research, know what you requesting to play and at the very least have some understanding that this is World of Darkness, not Dungeons and Dragons. Every book ever written by any author anywhere is now available on this handy thing called the internet and can be downloaded in pdf format. You are applying for a Sorc/Blackguard Power build, which is why it requires an application. If you want to have a 2nd character to play there is nothing stopping you from building a Ravnos that is Bard/Blackguard that doesn't know anything about being a vampire, being a ravnos or world of darkness.. As per your info above, you don't need to quote rules from Wikipedia to us, as I have all of the books in pdf format.
Level 4: Permanency
This power, also used in conjunction with Ignis Fatuus or Fata Morgana, allows a mirage to persist even when the vampire cannot see it. In this way, Ravnos often cloak their temporary havens in false trappings of luxury, or ward off trespassers with illusory guard dogs. System: The vampire need only spend a blood point, and the illusion becomes permanent until dissolved.
2nd Disclaimer: My questions were not meant to insult you, they were meant to force you into researching or revealing more about the character so the DM team could better understand your request. Your lack of understanding of WoD and how things work prevents me from offering you this Special Character Concept request at this time, as we aren't going to hand over one of the twinkiest builds available to someone who isn't willing to do the research to play it. Let me put it this way, you need to know everything about this character so that we know everything about this character otherwise we cannot add him/her into the story on the NWN server the way that would benefit Roleplaying. Your a decent role-player and I have no doubt you could actually pull off the Roleplaying behind this type of concept, but we need more info to go on.
Closing Comments: Some ST's require that Ravnos can only perform illusions of stuff they have actually seen. Either in a book, real life or in their travels. Thus it will be extremely uncommon to see a Ravnos launching fireball, creating any of the NWN sorcerer spells. Chimerstry is based off how well the Ravnos knows what they are creating, it isn't as simple as I thought up a bird that has glowing red eyes and when its wings flap it spreads fire across the sky. Noone will believe in that bird, thus they will not see it, thus there is no illusion, thus no point. A Ravnos who creates a set of manacles that they have studied could create the illusion of manacles to someone who would believe they are bound.
-DM Engineer
Last edited by Engineer_of_Ages on Wed Jan 04, 2024 2:27 pm; edited 1 time in total |
|  | | Knightstar Admin
Posts : 127 Join date : 2024-06-23
 | Subject: Re: Special Character Request~! Wed Jan 04, 2024 2:17 pm | |
| Well I would like to jump in here to say two cents *deposits two pennies on the counter*
First we are not trying to be a pain in the ass. It might seem like we are but we are not. Second this special request is like two or three rolled into one. The first being a special class start for a ravnos. Second being the blackguard request for ravnos. Third and this one is implied but not necessarily stated the permission to advance past level 16 spell caster from start.
Thus why we need to ask all these questions. Why Engineer was giving you the information he did, based on why and hows of the actual game stuff. It wasn't to be mean it was more to help you see and find information to put a slightly more defined point on things. One because we need to know what we are dealing with. Second if there is something that is really going to start with a demonic or something else power with how the place of omen is we have to help you adjust it. To fit with what you want and what would happen. That is that outside forces can not directly effect anything inside the islands curtain walls until the sun is returned.
Next is we have a stereotype understanding of all the clans and tribes up right now. It needs to be adjusted as even -I- was recently educated as to what some of the disciplines. Thus finding how the true workings of the disciplines, This also means that rp quality of the powers is going to change and effect differently.
If you would like to get the clan book message me on MSN some time I can help you get set up with more things, to help you define your character better so that we can all be happy. |
|  | | dunkelzahn Serf

Posts : 16 Join date : 2023-12-20
 | Subject: Re: Special Character Request~! Thu Jan 05, 2024 8:57 am | |
| *cough* Engineer, mang, send the download stuffs you typed per PM. Most of the search results you get that way could get you guys shut down. [/legalbeagle]
(P.S.: Sorc/BGs aren't that tough, unless you add some insane subrace to half fiends or half dragons. The build's usually forbidden not because it's tough, but because it's pretty damn hard to justify the paladin one RP wise and some people see it as an exploit to just add one level of a class. It's actually fairly easy to kill, even for a non-powerbuilt wizard of equal level, or lower, as soon as he has bigby. Just a case of Han shot first, then...) |
|  | | Indian_Summer Yeoman

Posts : 39 Join date : 2024-02-05
 | Subject: Re: Special Character Request~! Thu Jan 05, 2024 12:22 pm | |
| It's generally forbidden because of the giant Cha bonus to ALL saves that blackguards get. With a sorc/BG you can definitely hit somewhere around 30+ for each save at about 18th level. Yeah, it's a big deal. |
|  | | Engineer_of_Ages Yeoman

Posts : 37 Join date : 2024-11-17
 | Subject: Opps I did it again Thu Jan 05, 2024 1:29 pm | |
| This isn't really a debate on whether or not her build will be op or not. It is her SCC request for the character that we need more info on before we can approve it.
SCC (Special Character Concept) Requirements -Good Understanding of the Rules for WoD -Good Understanding of the Clan/Tribe/Race the character is from -A complete list of references for where you fit into WoD. -Proven Role-playing ability on the server/forums -DMs hold the right to refuse any application(s) submitted and we will give reasons why -SCC are on a case by case basis.
OOC: Defined by anything that your character doesn't know that you might, or conversations between players and staff that takes place.
IC: Defined by in character actions, things your character would know, and acting as your character should.
Requests for SCCs are PURELY OOC applications, it is alright to tell us what they will know in character, but understand this is so that we have an idea of what the character will be like and doesn't necessarily need to be a background for the character, which should be submitted once the character is approved in the character bio's section of the forums.
PS: pdfs are not illegal in Canada, and anything prior to 4th ed dnd/4th ed Vampire has become partially open source by wizards of the coast in Canada, thus if you aren't charging money for it Wizards doesn't have an issue with it... My apologizes to those who live where copy write laws do not allow use of pdf files. If you live in one of those countries please do not do anything illegal, and consult your local laws and Wizards website for what you can and cannot receive online. I currently own almost 200 WoD/DnD 3.5 books in hard copy and have several shelves full as well as many additional pdfs. However it is nearly impossible for anyone to find any of these books in stores around Canada any longer as they are no longer in production by Wizards Canada. Thus it is sadly only 4th ed stuff that is available now for purchase. At the very least use wiki-type websites or other websites to help develop your character or contact one of the DMs if you cannot afford the books but have an interesting idea of what you would like to play. Like the application above however expect to have us as questions, questions allow us to fill in the gaps.
Thanks, -DM Engineer
|  | | Indian_Summer Yeoman

Posts : 39 Join date : 2024-02-05
 | Subject: Re: Special Character Request~! Thu Jan 05, 2024 1:51 pm | |
| As a small request, can this: - Quote :
- SCC (Special Character Concept) Requirements
-Good Understanding of the Rules for WoD -Good Understanding of the Clan/Tribe/Race the character is from -A complete list of references for where you fit into WoD. -Proven Role-playing ability on the server/forums -DMs hold the right to refuse any application(s) submitted and we will give reasons why -SCC are on a case by case basis.
OOC: Defined by anything that your character doesn't know that you might, or conversations between players and staff that takes place.
IC: Defined by in character actions, things your character would know, and acting as your character should.
Requests for SCCs are PURELY OOC applications, it is alright to tell us what they will know in character, but understand this is so that we have an idea of what the character will be like and doesn't necessarily need to be a background for the character, which should be submitted once the character is approved in the character bio's section of the forums.
Be made into a separate, stickied topic, for future reference? |
|  | | dunkelzahn Serf

Posts : 16 Join date : 2023-12-20
 | Subject: Re: Special Character Request~! Fri Jan 06, 2024 9:30 am | |
| I want to live in Canada! |
|  | | Shesh'Ahl Yeoman

Posts : 35 Join date : 2024-12-11
 | Subject: Re: Special Character Request~! Sat Jan 14, 2024 4:17 pm | |
| Account name: Battle Rager Tribal leader Player Name: Conrad Class: Order of Bitter Ashes Race: Kindred/ Caitiff
"In Germany, the Crusade was seen as a huge debacle with many monks writing that it could had only been the work of the Devil. The anonymous monk who wrote the Annales Herbipolenses chronicle in Würzburg mentioned that for decades afterwards noble families in Germany were ransoming back knights who had been taken prisoner in Anatolia using Armenian middle-men. The camp followers who taken been prisoner and sold into slavery by the Turks were not so luckily. Of the 113 individuals known by name to been involved in the Crusade, 22 died, 42 returned home while the fate of the last 49 is a mystery. Despite the distaste for the memory of the Second Crusade, the experience of the crusade had notable impact on German literature with many epic poems of the late 12th century featuring battle scenes clearly inspired by the fighting in the crusade. The cultural impact of the Second Crusade was even greater in France with many troubadours fascinated by the alleged affair between Eleanor and Raymond, which helped to feed the theme of courtly love. Unlike Conrad, the image of Louis was improved by the Crusade with many of the French seeing him as a suffering pilgrim king who quiently bore God's punishments.[57] Relations between the Eastern Roman Empire and the French were badly damaged by the Crusade. Louis and other French leaders openly accused the Emperor Manuel of colluding with Turkish attacks on them during the march across Asia Minor. The memory of the Second Crusade was to color French views of the Byzantines for the rest of the 12th and 13th centuries. Within the empire itself, the crusade was remembered as a triumph of diplomacy.[58] In the eulogy for the Emperor Manuel by Archbishop Eustathious of Thessalonika, it was declared: "He was able to deal with his enemies with enviable skill, playing off one against the other with the aim of bringing peace and tranquility".[58]"
In the mid 1100's in the after math of the Second Crusade, a child who was a squire to a knight under Conrad III. As a squire he traveled along with the main army caring for the horse, armor and weapons of his Knight. Being a capable child, he learned much about the care of weapons and armor. Wilhelm learned also to wield a blade from his charge. His knight named Mathias the Bold knew Wilhelm would one day become a brave and able knight. The route Conrad III choose on his campaign against Anatolia led his men into many long miles through barren land. Being a hardship in its self, the Turks raided the camps along the way and open pitched battles didn't go well. A retreat was called, Conrad knowing he had blundered retreated to Constantinople however he wanted word to reach his brother Otto leading another army also beset by hard luck and slow progress. Conrad called for a column of knights to ride and bring word to his brother. 113 knights in all, these rode off with their squires and camp followers. Along the way, many perished from skirmishes, the heat, and exhaustion. Of the knights only a few perished, though their line of squires and camp followers was thinned. Wilhelm and his Knight Mathias were among the survivors of the trek to warn Otto of the retreat.
On the trek back, Otto fared poorly at an organized retreat. Many of his troops died, of the 113 knights, by the time they reached Constantinople, there were but a few still left. Along the retreat, 49 knights, and a few squires were separated and left for dead in the panic of a Turkish raid. Mathias and Wilhelm were among them. This group of Knights became lost after a time, and running low on water and supplies. One night in the darkness left with no moon in the sky, something came out of the darkness.... It attacked with unbound fury. Soon, a few of the Knights lay dead, many of the remaining squires were also dead. Wilhelm, and his Knight stood back to back along with a few others. This creature of darkness played with the group of those still standing. A shadow slowly coalesced infront of the men, he clapped as he approached. Armor that stole what little torch light was available, a sword of gleaming silver in a hanger on his hip the dark man approached and began to speak.
" You men came on a mission of faith. You have failed in this life." He looks around at the dead and dying, then continues. " You there ..." He points to Mathias. " You fought bravely, and were able to inspire your squire. You have faith do you?"
Mathias holding his sword in drained hands a morbid look in his face nods and says. " I have faith in God, and the mission. We come for the right to the Holy city, and we come for the Grail. My squire does draw strength from me, but he is inspired by our goals. Not me, but by my actions for the glory of God. And you are no mortal.... You are sent by the devil to tempt us. To aid our enemy, and therefore you will die... " At this, Mathias charges, his sword raised over his head as if to lop the dark man in half from head to toe. In a blinding move the dark man snatched Mathias' wrists with one hand and his throat with the other. A sword falls then a bloodied piece of flesh hits the sands. It was the throat of Mathias, upon seeing this a Mathias fall to his knees clutching his throat Wilhelm charges forward with other knights. The dark man reaches for Mathias then flies high in the sky, slits his wrist and sticks it to Mathias' throat. then drops the body of Mathias and flees.
Mathias' body strikes the ground hard bones snapping as he lay lifeless the others form a circle around him. Wilhelm ran to his side and dropped his broken blade next to Mathias. He began to weep as a child as he was at that moment. Then another Knight, Mano placed a hand of Wilhelms shoulder. He says. " Lad, we can do nothing for him, but his sacrifice showed the Devils beast we would fight to the death. He died to save us, as Christ died for our sins. We must hurry away before that thing returns."
Upon hearing this, Wilhelm would dry his eyes, reach for Mathias' sword and place it in Mathias' hands which grow colder to the touch as life has fled his body. Wilhelm would stand and give a warriors salute to his fallen charge, then turn to the others with a face of cold anger. " I am ready, I will follow, perhaps in his dying we might survive. I will never forget his lesson."
The others traveled for two days and three nights. A stepped up guard is posted each night, and a bonfire is lite each night. The men would rather face a death at the hand of something they could fight and kill than to face the shadow beast they had faced a few nights prior. The knight Mano took charge of the remainder of the men and squires. In all there were only 30 left. Of those that perished a few nights before, only one didnt fade away to Gods realm. This one awoke to find his body broken, and a thirst for blood... not the kind of thirst that drives a mad man to kill, but a dying need for blood, unable to move with his grievous wounds and broken body. The once man slowly makes his way over to the body of a man and laps at the blood pool, then he wretches himself. But the need for blood drives him to continue. Then he can feel bones snapping back into place slowly and painfully. As the once man gains the ability to move better, he would tear open the abdomen of one of the bodies and begin taking out organs and sucking blood from them, then a strange feeling overcomes his mouth as his canine teeth begin to elongate. Then his eyes flush over with blood as a blood rage takes hold, around the bodies he would go dismembering them and draining every drop of blood he could.
Out of the darkness again comes the man with the shining silver blade and armor that steals the light of the stars. He would slowly approach his childe. The once man begins to back away, feeling humbled but wanting blood.... slowly his rage ends as his thirst is quenched. The once man looks to the shadow man. then he looks about at the carnage he left of those he once stood side by side with. His brothers in arms, and he had butchered their bodies as he had. He shook with fear at what he had done, then again looks to the shadow man. " You... what have you done to me?"
The shadow man would kneel down and look at Mathias with some pity. " I once fought for the First Crusades, I was grievously wounded but was bitten by my Creator. I was called Flanis in my breathing days. You must know, when I learned what I had become and what I was called to do, I slew my maker. In the slaying, I learned the secrets. But, I seek the same as you. But, I need help. I have need of men that would be willing to sacrifice the word of mortals for the unlife. That we may have all the time we need to secure Gods glory on this earth. You and your charges that I left, I found the remainder to be sufficiently pious, and loyal to you. Through you, I hope that we can turn them as well. A company of brave and pious Knights that would be able to maintain the Crusades to its end. We could take the Holy City, and then we would have time to continue to gather Holy Relics of our Savior Jesus Christ. I need your help. If not you, I will have to find another. Your squire perhaps? "
Mathias began to shake with the learning but the words stayed his anger as he saw a light to the darkness brought to him. He looks to Flanis. " You are a thing of the devil? and made me as such?"
Flanis smirks to Mathias. " No, I am not a thing of the devil. Nor are you. We are cursed, you have read the Bible I am sure. In the begining when Cain slew Able... god put a mark to Caine. And this is its legacy. Caine works to regain favor, to release his curse. If we can but gain the relics and the Holy city, perhaps we can donate our victories to Caine in order that he be able to be washed in the blood of Christ and forgive. You and I are all that stand to solve this curse. Their are others of Caines childre but they revel in the sin that it is to be what we are. By the selfless act of gathering relics, and restoring the Holy City to Gods warriors, we may be able to reverse our curse. But, I need your help. You and the others you travel with."
Mathias would nod understanding the nature of what had befallen him. " You ask me to apply a curse to others. You ask me to drag my friends, and brothers into a corrupted life of servitude to Caine.. the first sinner. You wish an Order of Knights to fight for the salvation of the sinner. I can not and will not accept that. If I go to the men and plead the case and they accept, then and only then would I dare dream to do such a thing."
Flanis would just nod his head in agreement with a impish smirk. " you are aware they watched you die? They will not accept you as you are now, and the fear in their hearts will drive them to attack you. They will rend you piece by piece. You will be left there and when the sun rises, you will forever be destroyed a cursed creature, your sin will live on and then you will become an agent of the devil to be sure. You will become the sinner you wish not to defend. Remember the verse? " let he who is without sin cast the first stone?" Think hard, but not overly long for we must get to the cover of darkness as the sun will rise soon."
Mathias listens to the words and begrudgingly follows the words of wisdom accepting them and lowers his head. " I will go to them with you then. But I do not find joy in this nor do I believe it to be right. But, You are right, the only way to be rid of this curse would be to rid the original sinner of his. I will follow you. Let us away and prepare then."
With that the two would glide off in the night swallowed by the darkness and eeck out the day in a cave near by. On the setting of the sun both once men stood together and prepared themselves for the task at hand. Blood would flow, blood of friends and battle brothers. In the blood letting, a step would be taken to the end of the curse of Caine.
Wilhelm busied himself with caring for blades, mending armor, and gathering water. As the last rays of light faded over the horizon he shivered as he felt a chill run down his spine as if something wicked was about to pounce. Mano instructed the guards for the eve, and as the others fell exhausted to the ground sleep took hold and snatched them all... little did they know the sleep that came to them would be the last, and the breathes they breathed would soon be their last as living men. Wilhelm left the camp on yet another trip to fetch water when the darkness struck. He was to far away to notice or even hear the stiffled cries as teethe tore into neck to silence the screams. First the guards outside the camp, then those near the fire fell to the beasts, then a simple walk around to all those in their slumber. In all now 31 Once men were in the camp. 29 bleeding yet to become what they were cursed to become. A child, not quiet yet a man walked back to find the horror of the blood scene. His mind unable to comprehend swam and he fell over fainting from the sight. Wilhelm unknowingly was carried off by Mathias in his caring arms. The others were in turn drug off the field to the cave, and a nearby sheppard paid the price of being a agent of the devil, for being a muslim, just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. The flock of goats was led by the light of the stars by Mathias and Flanis back to the cave, were the others could feed.
Mathias then would be sitting near Wilhelm looking to Flanis. " What of my squire. He is to young, and you saw his mind was unable to handle the sight we left. What can we do?"
Flanis would place a hand on the childs head and say. " We can feed him and he will not change. He can drink of our blood and become a immortal squire or we can place him in the Lords hands as he would not survive long on his own."
Mathias sneers at the thought of slaying such a loyal and studious squire. " If he feeds on our blood he can be as us one day? I would have him at my side to see why I had to do what I did, and perhaps he will be my salvation. I cannot see him dye, not can I feed him my sin, nor would I be able in good graces to allow others to do the same. Let us keep the secret of the sin from him. We can leave him as he is."
Flanis would shake his head. " He has seen me, he saw the bodies. He has seen more than any living one should and be allowed to walk away. If you leave him we leave him and do not aid him at all. If he lives through his trial, he would become a strong warrior, and one that would hunt us I am sure. He would hunt and breed others that would be taught to do the same. You hold your very own fate in your hands. If he lives through this know you left an enemy in the making. If we make him a feeder off us at least he would remain loyal, and if we just send him to God now he goes with no sin. I leave the matter to you." With that Flanis would stand and begin moving a few goats inside as he could feel his new chilre stirring.
Mathias would take the boy Wilhelm in his arms and take a length of rope and tie him to the back of a goat, placing a knife in his belt and gather all the water skins near by knowing the water would not quench his new thirst. Along with all this, Mathias would remove his signet ring and places in on a thread and ties it around the boys neck. " Go child, go and be with God, I leave you with my training, and things to aid you in this life." Mathias would kneel and say a prayer over the boy then slap the goat sending Wilhelm off into the night. Little did Mathias know, but Flanis was correct. Wilhelm did survive he returned to Germany and became a Priest. Wilhelm taught and wrote about what he had seen. He and a few others formed a group of priests, they later became know as the Inquisitors, however this group began hunting for signs of the Devils spawn, Vampires. As they searched they learned more and learned of others, of weaknesses and means of destroying them.Wilhelm later quit the priesthood and became a hunter, he eventually settled down as age caught up with him as well as wounds from battleing the devils beasts. He had two children, a boy named Mathias, and a girl names Audree. The girl grew up and was married off into a noble family, the boy Mathias became a Knight, and when his father died, he found a book describing the events of the Second Crusade and the devils beast. Mathias the Younger searched for clues and found his way to the deserts of Anatolia in search of the devils beasts. Looking for many years he finally returned home and raised his own family, he had 4 boys, 3 of them became knights. The youngest stuck around the family's land, and Mathias the Younger began telling tales, as he aged more he told all he had seen and read of the beasts. The youngest was named William. William joined the group his grandfather had helped start, and took what he had learned and applied it to the field. He became a great hunter of the beast. By the time the William reaches old age, he had 3 children, and he had gained wealth fighting the devils beasts. Coin and tomes of ancient times, jewels and knowledge most of all. Gaining Noble title as a Lord no longer having to be Knights. Land was given to the Family near Anatolia north of Constantinople, fertile land. So William moved his family from Germany to the new lands of the family of Wilhelm the Last Man. William realizing the greatness his family had finally won decided to name his oldest child Wilhelm in remembrance of his namesake. The year was now 1198, and the new child Wilhelm was taught to read and write, he was instructed with blades, and he was instructed on the forgeing of blades as had become the families trade mark. Wilhelm the Younger as he was called by family took his knowledge to a monestary where he learned more, and in the learning he became a pious man. He had entertained becomeing a Priest but wanted to honor the family name and became a hunter of the families past. He fought a great many, and then one day in 1215 he came upon THE Mathias and the group of Knights now the Knights of the Bitter Ashes. Mathias senced the blood flowing through Wilhelm the Younger and his mind fled back almost a hundred years, he remembered the origin. He remembered the valor.
Mathias approached arms open unthreatening and tried to speak, however Wilhelm the Younger having read and seen the temptations of the Devils beasts before stuck with precision, the dagger once gifted to Wilhelm the Founder pierced the heart of Mathias, in that moment Mathias fell to the ground stunned as the words came back to him from Flanis. " If he lives through this you leave an enemy in the making." As Mathias' blood flowed from his wound Wilhelm the Younger drew forth a wooden stake and slammed it home right in the Heart of Mathias, just to the side of the dagger that once belonged to him. Wilhelm the Younger drew forth a finely forged blade and slashed forth with it, removing Mathias' head from his shoulders, then he sets about lighting a torch and throws it onto the body of Mathias. As the body burned, Flanis tinggled knowing the meaning he hurried as fast as he could, he made it to the scene far to late but Wilhelm the Younger was still there, standing over the body. Flanis began to see the similarities of so long ago, and just bowed his head allowing the darkness to take him yet again.
By 1215 Wilhelm the younger is now nearing his 30's. He had fought many and secured the lands around his families estate. He had 2 children very young yet, The oldest boy he named Conrad, the other he named Otto. In remembrance of his namesakes commanders during the second crusade. By 1232 the oldest is now 18, he had been instructed and taught at a monestary as Wilhelm the Younger was. He learned everything that his father knew, Otto however was a traveler and in Venice he contracted the plague from an englishmen sailor. Otto died in 1233, Conrad Lived on and in 1220, now 26 Conrad began to think of things like family and his responsibility. He like his entire family before him went out in search of the one the Dark man, the one that created the families pact. He settles with a woman and bears her 3 children. Now the year rolls to 1229, adn Conrad stirs with desire to once again wage battle against his families foe. He writes his will and leaves all the knowledge he can for his children to know their legacy and he heads out not knowing it would be the last time as a mortal he would see his family again.
Conrad traveled into the summer of his 35th year of life. He lived through a few battles with the Turks, and found a cave. He and his guard approached the cave and decided to claim it for the night. Little was it know, but the cave hide the families legacy. In the night the guard was slain quickly and efficiently unknown to Conrad. Later in the evening Conrad rolled over and saw the spectacle that had been the guard. Conrad swore at the sight and backpeddled to the wall of the cave only to find his blade was gone, he reached for the dagger of Mathias, and it too was gone... looking around knowing his fate was sealed he stealed his nerves and prepared saying one last prayer for a good death and to give honor to God.
Out of the inky darkness of the cave came 31 men all clad in the same dark armor that seemed to steal the light around them, and glimmering silver blades at their sides. Flanis moved ahead of the others and said. " Your family has hunted for us since I remember your forefathers. I remember your father slaying my first childre. You and your family have hunted us long enough. I will have you join us in our Crusade." He goes on to explain the entire story clear back to Wilhelm the Founder and their relationship. In the learning of this Conrad decides to Honor Mathias and his Fore barer and join Flanis as the 32 nd Knight of the Bitter Ashes. As his father had slain the 32nd so he felt responsible to fill the void.
Flanis then goes on to embrace Conrad, and tutor him as Mathias had his ancestor. Flanis also then goes on after a decade of this and explains that a relic might have made its way to Rome, and instructs Conrad to see to retrieving it while the others readied for another coming Crusade. On the ship bound for Rome, a turbulent sea shoke the ship and foundered it on the isle being washed ashore of a land ever covered in darkness Conrad begins to feel the taint of the land and realizing that a grave sin was done to create the lands darkness takes up the cause of freeing the land and then trying to finish his mission.
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