Omen Eclispe- a world of fantasy, horror, and intrigue. A place set in the Dark Ages a time of death, struggle and riches. A place where not everything is what it seems and the night takes on a life of its own. |
| | Storms of Morbid Desire (Story Event Thread-All Welcome) | |
| Author | Message |
Engineer_of_Ages Yeoman

Posts : 37 Join date : 2024-11-17
 | Subject: Storms of Morbid Desire (Story Event Thread-All Welcome) Tue Dec 27, 2023 3:13 am | |
| Storms of Morbid Desire (Story Event Thread- All Welcome)PrologueOver the past few weeks several strange storms have been rolling in from the sea and sending the island into an uproar. These storms are unlike other storms for the clouds seem haunted and full of movement. Strange black shadows can occasionally be seen moving in and out of the massive storm like figments on the wind. Rumor has it that words can be heard being whispered in the wind as the storm reaches the island and begins its terrible fury. The ground shakes with anger as each crackle of thunder rolls across the sky with such force that many find it difficult to remain standing. Most people rush quickly indoors for the natural fear of the storm takes hold of them such that they cannot resist the urge to hide and barricade themselves away. Those brave enough to remain outside speak of strange creatures and men who appear during the storm. They appear and usually seem to be searching for something. Though what they are looking for no one is quite sure, when engaged the creatures and men quickly attack only to kill or die themselves before disappearing when the storm finishes its pass over the island.The DreamsGarou and Kindred Only:- Spoiler:
You see yourself standing upon the southern shores of the Island, you are looking out over the water and notice that the water is beginning to get rough. In the distance you can see a rolling black cloud reaching up from the horizon, it seems like 5 black talons stretching out like a clawed hand towards you. In an instant the claws descend upon you and seem to reach into your very soul. Just before the claws can pierce your heart you awaken and you feel thirsty as though you haven't drank in days, you quickly run to the nearest pool of water and begin to reach in to grab some water in the reflection you see a vision of the southern side of the island from above... hundreds of black ships seem to be phasing into existence just before reaching shore and are making landfall... strange men in black robes seem to be pouring off the ships and onto the island. The vision pans out to sea as a massive black warship seems to tear itself through from another dimension crashes through the waves... strange black shadowy lanterns adorn the ship giving it an errie light. The vision zooms in on the main deck of the ship and a man in black full plate adorned in skulls seems to be giving silent orders to his troops. As the vision begins to fade out it pans back in order to show the deck of the ship as dozens of wraiths seem to tear into existence from another place.... your hand finally touches the water and a sharp pain errupts through your body causing you to wake up wherever you were sleeping...You have the urge to tell others of your strange dream.
Humans, Hunters and Non Supernaturals Only: - Spoiler:
As you sleep you begin to fall into a deep and all consuming darkness, you cannot stop yourself for the fall is without end, dark clouds seem to encompass you as you fall. What seems like hours passes in the darkness until finally a man reveals himself.... "Whoa now traveler why have you come?" he says his dark hair blowing in the wind like midnight. His pale complexion reveals itself through the darkness as you seem to be viewing the world through your own eyes. You feel the urge to speak but cannot for in the presence of this being you are stricken with the most insatiable thirst, your mouth is dry and parched, your throat numb. "Why have you come to the underworld traveler... how dare you enter the realm of Hades uninvited." Within moments the darkness begins to fade and the souls of the underworld can be seen. Hades in his full glory stares at you with a gaze of encroaching madness. "No you cannot have them..." he says his voice echoing through the underworld. You can see yourself reaching forward with your left hand, a strange red glow seems to be encompassing it. "Whats this... argh... no!... What have you done..." Hades screams in pain as chains begin to pour out of your hand and surround Hades. The chains are covered in spikes and soon pull Hades to the ground binding him there. "I will get you for this... these chains will not hold me forever..." Hades screams in anger at you, his fury is apparent upon his face. You can feel your lips begin to move, and you begin to speak "We know Hades... we only need to keep you here until he arrives, you know the one we serve... Azgarden, the Twister of Souls..." you turn from Hades and begin to walk into the underworld, darkness slowly surrounding you until you are entirely encompassed by it. You wake up in your bed, and feel relaxed and rejuvenated, although somewhat curious about the dream. You have the strange urge to tell others about your dream.
Rules for Posting 1. All posts are to be in character. 2. You are only allowed one PC to be involved in this thread. 3. No more then 1 post per pc at a time, need to give me time to reply to everyone before you post again. 4. Rolls will be made by the DM to determine the success of your actions. 5. Experience will be awarded in game for actions done in this story based off player involvement. 6. All Posts will follow the following format;- Quote :
- Account Name:
Character Name: Faction:
-This is to ensure that I can keep track of who is involving themselves in the plot.
Our Story Begins....
|  | | Indian_Summer Yeoman

Posts : 39 Join date : 2024-02-05
 | Subject: Re: Storms of Morbid Desire (Story Event Thread-All Welcome) Tue Dec 27, 2023 11:53 am | |
| Account Name: Indian_Summer (Forums), Bright_Lights (In Game) Character Name: Koani Ehawee Faction: Garou
Koani starts awake, the shock of the dream immediately sending her into her natural, lupine form. Thankfully, she finds herself in the Hafen Tavern, in one of the rooms- though the importance of her privacy is lost on her, right now. It takes the garou several seconds of panicking examination of the room, before her thoughts finally pour over her like a tidal wave, and she calms- if only somewhat. She carefully curls up on the bed, tail twitching and bristling as she calms the feeling of dread welling up inside her.
Then that must be the fleet of Azgarden that he was speaking of, hm... Koani suppresses a shudder. I must hurry. The pack will need a totem, soon. Koani's thoughts drift to the newly formed back, and grunts to herself, stretching until her limbs nearly pop out of their sockets, and falls on the bed, gnawing idly at the bedsheet. I hope that Ania and Snow are safe. She grunts in displeasure. Brenard should prove helpful, as well... I wonder if they are all safe...
Plagued by her thoughts, as usual, she rolls her shoulders and shifts into her human form- clenching and unclenching her hands, she proceeds to dress and walk back out into Omen, making a beeline for the abandoned looking lake, and ducking into the entryway to the Sept. Once there, she carefully sets a hand to her Umbral mirror, stepping sideways, and enters the Umbra.
She exhales, and begins setting out several types of breads and juices of her own make, settling in the middle of the offering, cross-legged, and waiting beside her votive offering. |
|  | | a_paladin Serf

Posts : 19 Join date : 2024-01-27
 | Subject: Re: Storms of Morbid Desire (Story Event Thread-All Welcome) Tue Dec 27, 2023 12:17 pm | |
| Account name: Spiteful Spirit Character Name: Brenard Alekstrazus Faction: Kindred
Brenard wakes and immediately downs a vial of blood with deliberate calmness before stepping out of his room, radiating self-control as much as possible. He seeks out an audience with Isabella, the Lasombra elder, waiting all night if he has to, to tell her of the dream and details of the previous night spent fighting.
"I'm sure you know about the storm, but there were men within it- composed chiefly of shadows, as if using some version of our own abilities. The apparent leading personality was simply a deranged little man that kept making cryptic comments. He claims a ship will come. Some of the Garou are claiming that it requires teamwork and I'm not actually seeing any flaws in this theory."
He stops for a moment to down another blood vial, keeping himself calm.
"Apparently a fleet is coming- the subject of the dream I told you about. To kill everyone, apparently. For why, I don't know. Based on the abilities used, I think it would be composed of the Italian clan." His lips twitch downwards in distaste.
"But.. If they're all composed of shadows, somehow, then I believe with sufficient practice I could exercise some measure of control over them. I don't suppose you have any advice?" |
|  | | dunkelzahn Serf

Posts : 16 Join date : 2023-12-20
 | Subject: Re: Storms of Morbid Desire (Story Event Thread-All Welcome) Thu Dec 29, 2023 8:01 am | |
| Account name: Ve Das Character Name: Valesha Ferrano Faction: Hunter (Inquisition, no one expects the...)
In the early morning hours, the Inquisitor finds herself staring into the stone cold floor of her small cell in the cathedral. She rubs her throbbing nose, then hauls herself upright to view her swollen features in the mirror, smacking her lips briefly, only to spit out the taste of dried blood. The inquisitor then sticks her head into a water barrel, still not fully awake, but thirsty after that strange dream. She staggers back, sits on the floor and holds her head, deeply troubled.
...wait! I have a name...
The old nun gains a crooked grin, then dons her inquisitorial garb after a short morning prayer. Dry bread and water, then father Patrick's morning mass and then...questions. There would be many, many questions. |
|  | | Shesh'Ahl Yeoman

Posts : 35 Join date : 2024-12-11
 | Subject: Re: Storms of Morbid Desire (Story Event Thread-All Welcome) Sun Jan 01, 2024 3:58 pm | |
| Account Name: valkyrie1976 Player name: Ania Faction: Garou (Get of Fenris)
*Ania travels to the Sept after battle wounds mend and she has a moment to do so, she saunters to the Alpha and sates her case of the battle and what is faced ahead* //(Read the Garou RP post)
*Upon stateing her case she awaits the wisdom of the Alpha and her own new Pack Alpha* |
|  | | RageAgainstTheWeaver Serf

Posts : 13 Join date : 2024-07-07 Age : 29 Location : New York
 | Subject: Re: Storms of Morbid Desire (Story Event Thread-All Welcome) Mon Jan 02, 2024 6:50 am | |
| Account Name: RageAgainstTheWeaver Character Name: William "Savage-Heart" Faction: Kindred / Complicated
*He awakens with a startled growl, Peering across his room with Axe at the ready and Flask of his special 'Whiskey' as he down a fair bit of the crimson liquid. as he calms himself he thinks on what this would mean... hes hardly the most knowledgeable but he knows well this is something he cant deal with alone, and that Neither would Ash....*
"Ash..." *he growled lowly as he quickly prepared his belongings and donned his armor. The dark creatures already showed interest in her once and he had to know if she was safe. taking off he made his way out of his room only to practically bump into the Gengrel Elder.*
*He growled softly in annoyance as he hated having to admit that he needed help from the other 'leeches' but quickly he back from the elder lowering his head submissively, he wasn't about to try and anger the elder, not yet at least. Growling he spoke to the elder of what he had seen whiten the 'dream' asking should he have any 'wisdom' to share on the matter... he would continue after ash when he was finished here* |
|  | | Engineer_of_Ages Yeoman

Posts : 37 Join date : 2024-11-17
 | Subject: Storms of Morbid Desire 2nd Dream Mon Jan 02, 2024 8:55 am | |
| ((Watch the video above. Enjoy. Post your replies below, include your new knowledge from the event with the dream invasion in the south farmlands..)) -Posting format is the same as usual. -Not all posts will become video's. Its just something I am trying out. -Sorry to those who posted while I was posting this, you will be added to the thread after. -New Players still welcome. Join with the dream! - Quote :
Journal Entry (Found by Koani just outside her inn room)
September 14th, 1338,
I always believed the word happiness was something I could only encounter in dreams and imaginations. Mere illusions of the mind that could trick us in believing concepts like love, hope, faith, acceptance, self-fulfillment and desire. These are some of the admirable sentiments reality doesn't like to offer on a golden plate. No, reality prefers torturing innocent souls alive. Slowly tearing them limb from limb, until the point were insanity makes you want to strangle yourself. One's got to have a hobby right? The early days of my youth really contributed to this, knowing both my mother and father each died mysterious deaths. I was left alone, forced to grow up with individuals living in the pity delusion of experiencing happiness through means of wealth and fortune. I figured they were probably so happy, they completely forgot about eachothers existence as they were preoccupied throwing their gold through the windows. Then as usual when they finally met, accusing one another of having wallets made out of devil's leather, I could easily make use of this opportunity to slip out of sight and take my refuge someplace else. I used to wander in the forest, seeking out the path which would lead me to the forgotten château I had heard so many ghost-stories about. Over the years I had learnt not to bring up anything relating to my past. The ritual answer given, royally served with a smack to the head was always along the lines of "you ungrateful creature". It shouldn't come as hard to comprehend that there were various nights I fell asleep crying, yearning for Death to lend me a kiss goodnight.
Journal Entry (Found by Brenard on his way back from meeting with Isabella)
November 8th, 1338
If ever there was a day to remember, it would be the day I stumbled upon my drive in taking the courage to face the dragging torture which seized me for the past seventeen years. That day, words of hope invaded my thoughts, constantly reverberating. They encouraged me to venture further into the unknown and darker parts of the wood where the soil hadn't been touched by human soles for many years. A vast wind heartened my pace and eventually guided me with one last blow to the place I didn't think I would ever get to behold again. The wretched ruin of this once magnificent château gave away an eerie yet convenient atmosphere.
"This is what you were looking for isn't it?"
Journal Entry (Found by Valesha just after Father Patrick left, he seems to have dropped it)
December 7th, 1338
The voice I had been hearing moments ago, now sounded all loud and clear. I peered at the stirring shadows which brought forth the shape of a tall yet elegant and handsome man. Just like the darkness he emerged from, his clothing was pitch-black yet majestically adorned. I gaped in bewilderment while he gracefully gestured a noble greeting.
"It's a pleasure to meet you. You've become quite a handsome young man, Darion." He brought out with a grin.
I was at a loss for words, but that definitely didn't withhold this man from approaching me while bringing out a whole monologue.
"The answer to your question is not to be found here or anywhere, yet..there's a certain something which you ought to try out"
His impertinent gaze bewitched me, making the last thing I managed to recall, the sudden touch of his lips pressing against mine. I then felt the control over my body slowly drain, leaving me imprisoned as a mere spectator, surmised to enjoy what was bound to occur.
|  | | dunkelzahn Serf

Posts : 16 Join date : 2023-12-20
 | Subject: Re: Storms of Morbid Desire (Story Event Thread-All Welcome) Tue Jan 03, 2024 11:24 am | |
| Account name: Ve Das Character Name: Valesha Ferrano Faction: Hunter (Inquisition, no one expects the...)
She neatly stows away the vial, then skims the dropped paper. The pensive frown that would then appear on her forehead would never quite leave her features the entire day. There were many things to consider, from the father's rather lax handling of matters of the faith to the strange requests he'd made of her. Surely the lord did not need something so profane as coal or smith's hammers? And if one did, if they were to be changed like water to wine, then to what purpose? Nonetheless, she had a rather loose permission to take action and she intended to stretch it to the extreme. She also had to trust that, with all his mortal flaws, father Patrick was still a man of the church, and more importantly, of god. Thoughts of what might happen if he were not did creep into her mind, but were banished and buried quickly under four decades of stubborn resolve.
She would follow his instructions, to the letter, but the lord's work need not stop there. After all, the shepherd needs to tend to the well-being of his flock. Thereas, she would find herself inquiring with brother Marcus after the town elders or leaders of the community. Once that had been taken care of, chainmail, leather and the tabard with the cross of Rome upon it were donned and a rather suspicious nun made her way southward towards the sea, fingers nervously drumming upon the hilt of her blade. At the south gate, she stops, and asks the guard if there were any fishermen or shipwrights in the settlement, and if he'd assent, who they were. |
|  | | Indian_Summer Yeoman

Posts : 39 Join date : 2024-02-05
 | Subject: Re: Storms of Morbid Desire (Story Event Thread-All Welcome) Tue Jan 03, 2024 2:51 pm | |
| Account Name: Indian_Summer (Forums), Bright_Lights (In Game) Character Name: Koani Ehawee Faction: Garou
Koani frowns at the writing she found- being unable to read, she brings it to Brenard for a translation, as well as an exposition of what she had acquired.
Receiving a translation, she ponders quietly, moving to the Sept and taking the Moonbridge to the nearby standing stones, past the impaled garou's head. She settles in the center, with the page in her lap, cross-legged, and settles there, in pensive thought.
The man who had written this sounded much like one who was sickened of life- or at least, their means of life. Certainly, his life had not been very lucky. Pity floods the garou, though she holds her judgement back. If the author is involved with this, then it is quite possible he was part of the problem.
She reflects wryly on the saying that there were three ways to gain wisdom- the bitterest of which being experience- And it was clear that experience had not been kind to this man.
She turns her attentions back to the book, tracing her fingers across the word Brenard had said meant 'château', eyes seeking to understand. If this took place on the isle- and she had to assume it did, or else there was no other point of reference- there was only one place upon the island that matched the description.
Closing her eyes, she stands, and carefully folds the paper away into a bag, and pads off to speak with several people... |
|  | | RageAgainstTheWeaver Serf

Posts : 13 Join date : 2024-07-07 Age : 29 Location : New York
 | Subject: Re: Storms of Morbid Desire (Story Event Thread-All Welcome) Sun Jan 08, 2024 3:42 pm | |
| Account Name: RageAgainstTheWeaver Character Name: William "Savage-Heart" Faction: Kindred / Complicated
*After the events of the night and the ever stranger was the Vial of blood he has awakened with at his side that morning, he sought out his elder, once again grudgingly As he greets the elder with a submissive growl, before he begun to inform the Gengrel Elder of the happening, the Storm that swept threw the Island with the mighty Beasts that relentlessly attacked, while the ones behind the events remained hidden, his distaste for these creatures clear by the stirring of his beast as a low growl trails along his words. next he spoke of the Mighty titan, the beast that called for Help as they fought it, Once it fell the storm dispersed, He left out the words he shared with the Garou For he refused to give any information that could Potentially Cause them harm...
Then he spoke of the night, the strange dream where they had apparently been whiten the Spirit World, where army's of Shadowy figures attacked in massive swarms that ran towards Omen. and the Battle with yet another Massive Titan the same begging for help as she attacked and only for them to be forced away by a Spirit claiming they were not dead yet, and thus did not belong there, before sending them away he was given a Vial of blood, that he showed the elder, that he once again awakened with it in hand, the scent of the blood was unfamiliar to him. but he knew it would be important in the days to come, so he kept it, and asks the elder if he might Know anything of the happenings... or the purpose this blood may have*
|  | | a_paladin Serf

Posts : 19 Join date : 2024-01-27
 | Subject: Re: Storms of Morbid Desire (Story Event Thread-All Welcome) Mon Jan 09, 2024 2:50 am | |
| Spiteful Spirit Brenard Alekstrazus Kindred/Small Gods
"Fuck you," Brenard glides slowly out of the city, his face the same serene calm as always. "Come too far to start growing emotions all of a sudden." There are old ways, probably. Superstitions from long-dead fools. But so were gods, weren't they?
"Though I walk through- No. Though I soar over the valley of my shadow, I shall do no evil." Murmuring a new mantra to himself to push down new and unwelcome urges, Brenard makes his way into one of the local persistent bandit hives. He tucks his hands into his pockets and smiles pleasantly, looking at the pair of men playing cards over a broken table. "Excuse me," he says, "But I appear to be lost. Can you point me to the shepherd? I can pay." From his pocket, he takes a handful of Spanish doubloons, and does his best to look like a senile traveler.
The bandits attack immediately. Ben's grin only gets larger.
"Did you know in some lands there is a tradition-," he ducks a weak blow from a broken sword, and disables the wielder before moving to the remaining man. "A form of divination." He drops the coins and grabs the man's neck. "It is called reading the entrails." Using his free hand as a blade edge, Brenard splits the man's belly onto the floor, and settles down to read his future. |
|  | | Engineer_of_Ages Yeoman

Posts : 37 Join date : 2024-11-17
 | Subject: Chapter 1 Mon Jan 09, 2024 3:22 pm | |
| Chapter One
Over the past several weeks people have been on edge across the island, from the dark rituals performed here or the fact that willing sacrifices have restored the sunlight to the island. There is no faction of people here who have not felt the tense edge in the air, but none are truely sure the cause of such emotion on the wind. As people sleep they have been tormented by strange dreams, confusing dreams. Some dream of Hades and the Underworld, while others dream of Ships and a creature called Azgarden... though the connection is not easily made as these people do not converse their nightmares freely to each other. The mood darkens, restless nights fill the island until finally the storms begin to hit the island. In the storms dark wraith-like creatures can be seen and monsters seem to pour out from otherworldly area's onto the island in search of something. Two storms have passed over the island and the people have defended themselves valiantly, though they have little understanding as to the cause of these attacks. Rumors abound throughout the town that some evil and sinister force was searching for something on the island, something unseen in hundreds of years.
William walks into the Prince's chambers having finally been admitted for a private meeting with her, as he reveals the vial of blood to her she calls for the Tremere Elder to come and aid in the examination. At first glance the blood appears to be nothing more then regular human blood, so the Tremere grabs it and uses his Auspex to better see into things. After several minutes a look of shock and horror apepars on his face. "This is the blood of a mage of great power." He says as he can see the sparkling energy inside the vial with his auspex. He grabs the vial of blood from William and begins to chant sprinkingling some strange dust and herbs over the vial it begins to glow and sparkle so that even William and the Prince can see the magic coursing through it. "It is cursed with some sort of binding magics, likely had you drank this something bad would have happened to you." the Tremere goes on to tell William about it. "From what I can gather whoever this blood belongs to is likely dead, or bound within something somewhere and this is a key to restoring them to power." As William is returned the blood he is dismissed from the prince's chambers as she wishes to speak to the Tremere Elder in private, on his way out he for the briefest of instants see's a man clad in the same black robes he's seen before out of the corner of his eye. When he turns to look the man is gone and no traces are left behind to show he was anything more then a paranoid thought...
As Koani sits by the head in the bawn she can feel almost as though she is being watched. She looks around curiously, that nervous feeling that her instincts are giving her allows her to notice two dark clad figures standing high up on the cliffs above the waterfall, as she notices them they quickly retreat out of view. There is no question in her mind, those were the same men she had seen in her dreams...She now knows without a shadow of a doubt that these men have infiltrated even the most sacred of places upon the island in their search for something. This many men, all searching for something... whatever it is must be of great importance to them... and wanton murder and mayhem isn't what they came here for...
The Inquisitor Val makes her way towards the drunken guards who listen to her inquiry. "No madam there are no longer any shipwrights on the island, last one we heard of was killed many months ago when the ships in the docks were torched." the guard replies to her. "As for fishermen, well you could probably look around the docks district for anyone who might be fishing, but there is very little in the way of fish in the water just off the coast." he says then goes back to his work. As she head south she passes by several men dressed in black who have the look of hunters about them. They seem to pay her no mind as she passes, content to enjoy their meal by the campfire outside of the South Gate...
Angered and alone Brenard walks out of the city, for the first time in a long time something has distrubed the blissful mind of this man. He makes his way into the Half-Moon Tavern and proceeds to offer the men inside a way of peace, they see the gold and instantly arm themselves rushing him like fools. Brenard quickly cuts them down, and more come, his skill with his hands is way to much for them and his vampiric instints push him to the limits as more and more men seem to rush him from the next room. After the last of the men attacks and lays dead on the floor Brenard begins to look at the bodies. His vision begins to immediately blur, and strange patterns and arcane symbols begin to pour into his mind. "Velum Porus Qatin" he says as the bodies begin to lift themselves off the floor and float into the air. Brenard is a little shocked by the words he just spoke and their cause, but he continues almost without thought. "Aran Domi Malshanta" he says as he lifts his hand towards the bodies which immediately explode into thousands of pieces and their blood splatters across the walls, ceiling and floor of the room. The vision of symbols fades from his mind and he doesn't understand what he has just done until he looks to the blood that adorns the room. As he looks to the symbols and words written around the room he at first has some trouble making them out, then almost like a lightbulb going on above his head he immediately makes out the word "Razim" has been etched in the blood in several places.
Chapter One
The 3rd of the major storms begins to crash upon the island having arrived yet again from the south, its rain is strong and cold to the touch. Many of the people take shelter indoors and away from the brunt of the storm. Rumors abound from those few stragglers that come in from outside the city of ships carried on the wind making landfall all around the island. "They seem to pass through the reef like ghost-ships from Hell" one villager says as he speaks to the guards who dismiss him quietly. Others speak of not just one, but hundreds of black ships landing at various parts around the island dropping off troops who after having landed simply vanished into thin air along with the ships that brought them. One thing is certain though, many corpses have been seen scattered along the South farmlands and throughout the forest of these dark clad men. Someone has attempted to stop this from occurring, and by the rumors they were able to only stop a handful of these men. Where did they go, where did they come from and what are they after....
DM OOC Note: Now that the prologue is over, the dreams have stopped. If you would like to join this event thread then you may do so by having found one of the corpses mentioned above.... Remember XP is awarded for good roleplay on the forums and in game....feel free to PM me if you have any questions concerning this plot...
-DM Engineer
|  | | RageAgainstTheWeaver Serf

Posts : 13 Join date : 2024-07-07 Age : 29 Location : New York
 | Subject: Re: Storms of Morbid Desire (Story Event Thread-All Welcome) Wed Jan 11, 2024 8:13 pm | |
| Account Name: RageAgainstTheWeaver Character Name: William "Savage-Heart" Faction: Kindred / Complicated
*Growling deeply he made his way out from the Tavern making certain it was night as he made his way towards the Forest, William already detested that he had to Deal further with the elders, even more so that it was evident that there was even more that they did not even tell him as they spoke in private. *
*As he arrived whiten the forest, he finds an abandoned Animal den, in order to store his body safely before he howls Calling upon His discipline of Animalism to Summon one of the surviving wolves upon the island, as the wolf arrives, he then Brings forth the higher levels of his Discipline to send his conscious mind into the animal, leaving his body tucked away into the old den, he goes out to clear his mind, mostly riding on the instinct of the wolf Hunting, feeding, Living*
*Two days pass before his Conscious mind re-asserts itself, and he remembers just why he came to the forest, Head raised to Luna he howls directed as a call to Koani and her pack with an edge of urgency he awaited their arrival*
(( Would like to have an IC meeting with the pack and the like PM me to set up when would be a good time )) |
|  | | Indian_Summer Yeoman

Posts : 39 Join date : 2024-02-05
 | Subject: Re: Storms of Morbid Desire (Story Event Thread-All Welcome) Thu Jan 12, 2024 12:23 am | |
| Account Name: Indian_Summer (Forums), Bright_Lights (In Game) Character Name: Koani Ehawee Faction: Garou
Ears twitch. Nose sniffs. Eyes open. Test jaw. Teeth click. Heart hurts. Whine. Stretch, itch, scratch, pace.
It had been days since Koani had seen Brenard. Worry was eating her alive, much like how she imagined the Wyrm had once nibbled here and there when the world had formed. And much like the Wyrm's own history, the emotion had increased into a devouring pace. She had tempered the unwanted, consuming feeling by spending her time in lupis form, patrolling about as she searched him out, keeping her emotions at bay with instinct. This... This, she was used to. But that was a lie, wasn't it? She is searching for him. Not that it had done any good- traveling with her as he had, Brenard knew just how to avoid her. The question was simply, why? "Stop acting this way, Koani. This isn't you." Koani grunts to herself as she turns in the bawn she had been spending time at. Despite the passing off of the bones, she still felt odd (doubt, perhaps), and thought it best to separate herself from the Sept until the feeling had passed- or until she could allow herself to think herself purified. Those things had been poison, and it would be better to be safe than sorry.
And then a howl. Koani gave pause, her tail twitching and her ears flicking to and fro as she caught the sound. ...William? How in the world was he doing that? Pushing the thought out of her mind, Koani contemplates to her actions now, before craning her head up and giving a responding howl, tone calm and collected, despite how she felt- Both a gathering cry and a response: I'm on my way. |
|  | | dunkelzahn Serf

Posts : 16 Join date : 2023-12-20
 | Subject: Re: Storms of Morbid Desire (Story Event Thread-All Welcome) Fri Jan 20, 2024 9:06 am | |
| One man cannot torch many ships and get away with it...
She nods earnestly to the guard, then inquires if there were any arrests for the arson and murders, and if there had been, if the suspects were still alive. She would then take her leave, to eventually find herself greeting the hunters in passing. She'd double back, however, and ask them how the game was these days. If asked, she'd admit to a bit of skill with snares and small game, such as rabbits, herself.
All in all, Valesha seems in a thoughtful mood, her mind putting together small pieces to form a very ugly picture indeed: The darkness, the hellspawn, the arsons, the murder, food supply, wavering faith. It looked as if there were a slow and steady decline of everything; but that did not fit the notion that this vile fellow she'd seen in her dreams worked with helpers, helpers who had set fire to the ships. These black sheep would be the odd ones out, likely even profiting from the situation in some manner, and seem far less glum and lost than the rest of the flock in town. On her way to the docks to ask about anyone able to aid in gathering food from the sea and beach, she'd put that notion foremost in her mind and begin paying careful attention to everyone she interacted with.
The most horrid thought, that the one who had the most to gain from this situation may well be her own church, she would bury deep down in her mind, hoping it should never see daylight. |
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