- Spoiler:
Pending still...Playing Pen and Paper games, making those characters, and trying to make a background for this character in this setting is very tedious on top of job finding and school! Graduation is around the corner...
Theme-songs! (We all gotta love them

Here's simply a like to the playlist, if you're too lazy to play each one individually!
First Up.. BEST SONG to describe him, in a short summary.
Just replace 'Flash' with Raed and there you have it!
Then we have something a bit different for number two..
Quick Summary on how we are going to Reclaim the Fair Town of Omen from the Villainous Villains!
Third up...
Need I say more?
Next! The fourth song in this collection..
He's too awesome to wear black, but he wears his armor for many reasons...
Sorta a story told by Raed in some ways...
How Raed would die, I guess. He likes this song.
Well, DUH! this is anotehr obvious song.
If you thought Raed was bada$$ before, you now will know that he is-
Seventh is a song that really touches at home...
The motivation that makes Raed do what he does.
Another song that just touches someone.
How Raed feels.
Ninth Song that he wishes for..
He knows he's not a hero; only a temporary person to hold that place until the REAL hero comes along.
The last song:
For if, and when, Raed dies. It's funny when you think of all the dynamics and voices put together!