| To Hunt the Hunter. (Umbra RP) | |
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Engineer_of_Ages Yeoman

Posts : 37 Join date : 2024-11-17
 | Subject: To Hunt the Hunter. (Umbra RP) Thu Dec 15, 2024 1:12 am | |
| Growls in Blood, the well known Silverfang Cliath of the Sept of the Dreamer's Eye approaches the largest tree he can find in the forest and begins to climb it. He does his best not to harm the tree as he climbs it with his claws and eventually reaches the first branches that form its canopy. Once there he reaches into his pouch and pulls forth two dead rodents and a piece of string. He ties the two rodents up and hangs them from the branch and then slowly begins to climb back down. Once he reaches the bottom he pulls out a small mirror and gazes into it, the spiritual world revealing itself to him within the mirror. Within moments he is no longer standing in the forest, and is within the umbra standing near the tree. He pulls out another rodent, this one still alive and waits for a spirit to arrive. He has heard that owls love to eat rodents, and he is hoping to attract ones attention, though any bird of prey spirit will do. He waits patiently...
Last edited by Engineer_of_Ages on Sat Dec 17, 2024 4:10 am; edited 1 time in total |
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Knightstar Admin
Posts : 127 Join date : 2024-06-23
 | Subject: Re: To Hunt the Hunter. (Umbra RP) Thu Dec 15, 2024 4:13 am | |
| As Growls-In-Blood sits and waits near the umbral tree he can feel an intense mourning and sadness come over him. The feeling alone can over whelm his rage leaving him in the embrace of it.
The spirits feet never touched the ground so the lupis could not hear it approach. The feline face was soaked with tears came to him. “The birds to not come to the sacred tree Growls-in-Blood Cliath of the Silver Fangs.” She gestured up to the tree. “The tree which the last of the Amazons died to protect.”
The spirit moved up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. “ You seek something from us the spirits. But those on this island are cautious and wary. I will try and help you on your way. Speak now to me… the Scared Tree the Tree known unto thee as Versai”
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Engineer_of_Ages Yeoman

Posts : 37 Join date : 2024-11-17
 | Subject: Continuing the hunt. Thu Dec 15, 2024 11:50 pm | |
| Growls would look to the spirit that is speaking to him in a language he can understand, something he was not expecting from them at first. "I seek to learn the ways of my spiritual nature. The way in which spirits communicate and request aid. I had been told that the most likely spirit to talk to me would be a bird of prey." He looks to Versaii with a curious stare, then offers her the rat. You will take my offering then? he pauses for a moment. I am wise enough to know, must give offering when asking for something. Maybe must complete different offering? |
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Engineer_of_Ages Yeoman

Posts : 37 Join date : 2024-11-17
 | Subject: Deep Emotions Fri Dec 16, 2024 3:30 pm | |
| After Growls has carried on a deep and emotional conversation with the spirit Versai he swiftly moves out of the umbra and into the graveyard near the town of Omen. For nearly 2 days Growls can be seen in the graveyard walking from tombstone to tombstone. Everytime he sees a gravestone with no name, or where the name has faded so that it can no longer be read, he kneels and thanks the place in which they are buried.
((Feel free to post interacting with Growls in the graveyard.)) |
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Knightstar Admin
Posts : 127 Join date : 2024-06-23
 | Subject: Re: To Hunt the Hunter. (Umbra RP) Fri Dec 16, 2024 6:52 pm | |
| Light feet padded about the graveyard. Blue eyes watching everything with a wary silence, as the ghostly white hair moved about her. Seeing the armored male she moved up to him her head tilting curiously at him as he kneels at the ground near a big stone.
"Umm... Growls of Blood Is this a relation to you? Or a friend?" Peering over him Rae saw the name mostly worn off with only slight signs of the date and looked at him confused as she shifted on her feet nervously, disliking being out so late and away from her safe zone. |
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Engineer_of_Ages Yeoman

Posts : 37 Join date : 2024-11-17
 | Subject: Mourning the lost Sat Dec 17, 2024 1:06 am | |
| Growls seems to smile slightly seeing Rae approach him, he seems calmer then his usual self. He would finish thanking the gravestone before standing and looking to Rae.
"No, not related. I have no idea who is here, only that they have become forgotten by those that once loved them. I offer my prayers to remember them and their pain. For someone must remember them, so it might as well be me... for I honor them." He looks to Rae with a smile. "Sometimes we are asked to do things we do not understand fully, but we must still do them."
Growls nods to her then moves on to the next nameless or faded gravestone and continues to give thanks to the spirit of ancestors.
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Engineer_of_Ages Yeoman

Posts : 37 Join date : 2024-11-17
 | Subject: Later on... question of lost souls. Mon Dec 19, 2023 1:27 pm | |
| Growls finds himself once again travelling through the Umbra on the island, he makes a quick trip around the city of Omen and into the forest deep. He travels for some time until he reaches the giant flaming tree. Upon arriving Growls tosses a tied up rat at the base of the tree and smiles as he waits for Versai to accept the offering as had become customary in their interactions. "Versai I seek your wisdom and knowledge concerning lost souls, I have found something of interest that maybe you can understand better then I do." He reaches into a pouch on his hip and pulls out a small glistening gem that seems to have a face or something deep within it, and he holds it up to Versai. "I am told that a soul is trapped inside, and that to destroy the gem is to destroy the soul. Can you tell me anything of what this might be, or how it might relate to the lost souls?"
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Knightstar Admin
Posts : 127 Join date : 2024-06-23
 | Subject: Re: To Hunt the Hunter. (Umbra RP) Mon Dec 19, 2023 2:08 pm | |
| The pawed hand of Versai comes out of the tree and scoops up the rat she gnaws on it slowly as she listens to his blight.
When he pulls out the stone he can see that now there is a person standing half in the stone and half out of it. It seems to be going about on something as if it can make no sense that Growls or Versai.
"It is a soul. But it is not lost. Because it is not lost thus it is not for the Versai." |
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