Omen Eclispe- a world of fantasy, horror, and intrigue. A place set in the Dark Ages a time of death, struggle and riches. A place where not everything is what it seems and the night takes on a life of its own.
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 Is there a chat for this Dark Ages Setting?

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Join date : 2024-10-13

PostSubject: Is there a chat for this Dark Ages Setting?   Thu Oct 13, 2024 4:45 am

Hello all,

I happened across this forum and am an avid gamer. I wanted to know if there was a chat for this game? Or is all In Character Role Playing done on the forums here with no chat to log into?

I've read a lot about "the server". Are these forums "the server" or is there a seperate chat to actually log onto and interact in real time with other players around the world? Like a Digichat or SeaChat format? Or is it -all- done on the forums?

If these forums are for a chat site can you give me the url for it? I'm interested in joining this game. Thank you kindly guys/gals.

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Pravus Nym

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PostSubject: Re: Is there a chat for this Dark Ages Setting?   Thu Oct 13, 2024 10:47 pm

Hello there, glad to see a new face. The answer to your question is yes, there is a real server. The forums here were established to track things both IC and OOCly outside the server itself. Handy for keeping everyone on the same page without constantly rewriting Journal entries for the game itself.

Which brings me to the server itself. We are a Neverwinter Nights server hosted through the same Gamespy network that supports the other servers. Right now though we're still down for repairs and hopeful that Knighty and Co. can get something running in the near future. Since the forums are hosted by RPGDynasty we still get something of our community here.

Once the server's up you'll need a copy of NWN and your own key to play on the Gamespy network and log into our server. Hope to see you there.

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PostSubject: Re: Is there a chat for this Dark Ages Setting?   Fri Oct 14, 2024 11:20 am

Knighty is here!

Yes Knighty is working on things. Life was busy for a while. And with no internet to support things that made things all bad. I am working on finishing up some changes to the server. Reworking a lot of things. It may be up for some limited types of play this weekend sometime.

I can not promise it will be up for the testing this weekend it may be monday it depends on how the weekend goes.
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PostSubject: Re: Is there a chat for this Dark Ages Setting?   Today at 1:17 pm

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