Omen Eclispe- a world of fantasy, horror, and intrigue. A place set in the Dark Ages a time of death, struggle and riches. A place where not everything is what it seems and the night takes on a life of its own.
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 A Peek at the history...

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Posts : 127
Join date : 2024-06-23

PostSubject: A Peek at the history...   Thu Jan 13, 2024 4:31 pm

Setting: White Wolf - The Old World of Darkness

Location: Island with Fictional Fort city called Omen.

Year: 1348


In the middle of the Mediterranean exists an island. It was maybe one day a land of hope. But in this place hope does not exist. This one place upon the realm there is but a single sign of real life. This place is simply known as Omen.

Land of Eternal Darkness, Land of the Damned, Loins of the Wrym; take your pick of name all have been called to this place. On a late Autum day in the year 1345 the land stood witness to the sun slowly being blotted out and the earth darkening everything in twilight. But once the great sphere in the sky was blacked, it never came back out. The event leaving the land with only its nick names, and earning it the name of Omen.

Ships rarely come here by choice, many seem to find themselves crashed upon the coast. Those that travel by boat bring, all matter of doom sayer comes from near and far to this place. Holy orders send their best in hopes to free the people of the city. Warriors of the moon seek to right the unnatural wrong brought upon this place. Beings of the night creep into the street no longer hindered by the sun which will burn them to but ash in a short time.

No one knows why only this land is affected by the darkness, but nearly all have a hope to find out how to bring it to an end.

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A Peek at the history...
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