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 The Ronin

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Garou Guru
Garou Guru

Posts : 59
Join date : 2024-06-16
Age : 28
Location : S, AZ

PostSubject: The Ronin   Sun Aug 01, 2024 4:22 pm

This topic contains within collective information on "The Ronin"

The Definition of a Ronin: A Garou who has chosen or been forced to leave Garou society. It is a harsh fate to become a "lone wolf."

Accumulative Ronin Information:

[1]The Ronin is the shunned Garou. One who for whatever reason has been ostracized from either their pack, Sept or even Tribe for crimes committed. A Ronin character is usually seeking to restore themselves to their rightful place once more within the Garou Nation.

[2]Ronin Garou are considered packless, alone and are often regarded in an air of caution when meeting with fellow Garou. Ronin are considered Garou, not of the Wyrm, that work against the Nation - they are rare and hunted.

[3]Garou who are formally cast out from the tribes. Although they are not viewed with the same hostility as Wyrmspawn, they are still considered to be the lowest of the low, and other Garou will usually make them jump through all kinds of hoops before giving them the most basic assistance in any matter. A Ronin's name is also taken from him; he may still refer to himself by it, but the tribes will not recognize it. Some Ronin voluntarily undergo exile because they no longer want to be part of Garou society.

Initial Willpower: As Original Tribe
Backgrounds: As Original Tribe
Beginning Gifts: As Original Tribe, Auspice and Breed.
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