Set down at the end of the Imperium, in an act known as the Concord. The Litany is the set of laws that the Garou live and stay alive by. Each tenet steams from either mistakes that had been made, interaction with humans or ties to ones wolf-self and to preserve the old ways. The Litany it self, in its full form, contains the traditions, codes and laws of the people, Complete, it is much like an epic poem, chanting it in its entirety can take hours. However some like the Fianna take pride in preserving it to the point were they gather four times a year in their tribal home lands to do just this. In modern times few have the time nor patience to listen to such droning. So to simplify things, the Litany can be summarized in thirteen basic precepts. Each one meant to be straight forward and to the point However, some tribes tend to interpret the Litany in ways that better suit them, or put importance on tenets that give them more power. However there are tenets that are indisputable.
Tenets of the LitanyGarou Shall Not Mate With Garou The mating between two werewolves brings about metis, who are both sterile and deformed. Not only will some deformities not allow a child of this union to live, metis mothers must also endure the pains of giving birth in crinos, few of which survive. To further matters, the father who helped spawned the child may be also put to death. And at the cost of three lives, the Garou are few in numbers as is. This Tenent also is there to remind the Garou to cherish and look after their Kinfolk. However, whiles most metis were given to the elements in order to die of exposure, the modern world is a bit more lax. Metis aren't fully excepted, though their numbers are growing. However they are more seen as a sign of the times and the realization of the need for every available warrior in service to Gaia with the Apocalypse being close at hand.
Combat the Wyrm Wherever it Dwells and Whenever it Breeds The Wyrm is the source of all corruption, and must be stopped from harming mother Gaia. Facing down minions of the Wyrm insures that we protect her and help her hopefully survive the on coming Apocalypse. This tenet however has been less translated to mean "face the threat directly" with the advent of dense cities and more "Pick and choose your battles". To face the Wyrm in too direct of a way can lead to more loss than needed. Not only this, but there are some that feel that that Weaver is just as dangerous and should be combated as well.
Respect the Territory of Another Hailing back to the time when scent markers, howls and claw marks showed that you had entered into an others land. This tenet requires you to make yourself know to the people of that land through a howl of introduction. Silver Fangs and Shadow Lords enforce this tenet with claws and teeth. But in modern times, howls, piss marks, and clawing things aren't all that accepted by the mass majority, particularly if you are living among the humans. Telephone calls, emails, faxes, have replaced them. Some even out right ignore the tenet. Seeing it as a 'fascist' throwback to what should be a communal culture.
Accept an Honorable Surrender Werewolves spar and do mock combat to keep their skills sharp and their bodies lean. Although some of these fights are indeed over important things, one must know where to stop. There are fewer and fewer Garou in number as the days pass. Obeying this tenet insures that many more generations will come. But this doesn't mean that there aren't some Garou crafty enough to try and kill an opponent in the heat of battle. When the blood flows instincts overcome reason, and accidents happen despite the barring of ones throat.
Submission to Those of Higher Station The idea of a hierarchical society is ingrained into the minds and instincts of the Garou. Those who have earned their places as Fostern, Adren, Athro, Elder and even the rare Legend deserve our respect for their deeds. There is however a number of cubs and cliath who gripe about this law, seeing it as a way for the "grownups" to keep their thumbs on them. And the Bone Gnawers feel that they would need to be cowering to everyone all the time. Other tribes are more lax about this tenet, feeling that everyone is equal. Some have just learned more. Of course, and once again, Silver Fangs and Shadow Lords are the ones that really enforce it.
The First Share of the Kill for Greatest in Station. This hunting clause was originally applied to things like deer, elk and other prey animals. But with hunting creatures of the Wyrm, there tended to be things, fetishes, money or other objects left behind. Elders more than often know how to handle or deal with anything that could be tainted. And a wise pack knows that their alphas will give the spoils of war to those who can use it best. Once again though Silver Fangs and Shadow Lords use this tenet to get what is due to them.
Ye Shall Not Eat the Flesh of Humans Or wolves, or other Garou, as this tenet has been slightly expanded. This tenet was sung shortly after the Concord, when Star Gazer mystics noticed that those in the Western Concordiat who took too much pleasure in eating human flesh started showing clear signs of Wyrm taint. Killing more and more humans to feed their hunger. In the modern world, human flesh is even more tainted, as human diets are far from wholesome. Again, this isn't to say that "accidents happen". But there are those Garou that they happen to often to. And whiles any who find out their dark secrets will surely put them to death, Red Talons have been known to quietly ignore this Tenet, and the Bone Gnawer camp the Maneaters went unnoticed for quite some time.
The Veil Shall Not Be Lifted There is no arguing this tenet. The world is a dangerous place, and there are many things out there just itching to kill a young stupid werewolf. Human Hunters, religious fanatics, ancient vampires and far more sinister things stalk the night. Not to mention the servants of the Wyrm lurking in the shadows. If werewolves act like monsters, it won't be long before the villagers come with pitchforks, fire, and silver bullets. Which makes things that ever so more ironic, as the Garou feel the need to protect humanity. However with their Crinos forms sighting fear, panic, and mental breakdowns, being discrete isn't just a must, it is common sense.
Do Not Suffer Thy People to Tend Thy Sickness' People grow old, and so do Garou. People get hurt, and so do Garou. Once this happens, one is in danger in becoming a draw on the sept. And as so if it is time for one to pass into the cycle, it is time. In modern times though, people are a bit more clingy to their favored elders and don't want to see themselves just killing themselves when they still have so much more to teach. Indeed, the younger generation has been crying out that the older can still serve a purpose. And whiles this can be good work, when one's time comes, one's time comes.
The Leader May Be Challenged At Any Time During Peace A pack, sept or any group living together must remain strong, and weak leaders need to be replaced. If a leader is strong enough to stand his/her ground in a time of peace then they have earned that place. But there are some elders who may be too powerful to challenge all together, and Shadow Lords have been known to use this tenet to claw their ways up through the ranks via treachery and deceit.
The Leader May Not Be Challenged During Wartime In a time of war, everything must be in working order, else wise an entire cearn can fall. The Alpha's orders must be followed and trusted to insure that survival happens. When combat happens the Alpha's word is law. This doesn't mean that once again "Accidents Happen." Sometimes there are outside influences taking hold of others minds. Or if the alpha was just outright incompetent. Disobedience may be excused, particularly if it saves the pack or even the sept. Unfortunately, this renown maybe canceled out by insubordination.
Ye Shall Take No Action That Causes a Cearn to Be Violated Period. Cearns are the mystical lifeblood of the Earth and must be kept taint free at all costs. No tenet is more strictly held other than the need to preserve the Veil. For every Cearn that falls, another part of Gaia dies, and a little bit more of the power of the Garou passes. Anyone who is caught even unintentionally leading a proven or potential enemy or outsider to a cearn is punished. Severely.