Omen Eclispe- a world of fantasy, horror, and intrigue. A place set in the Dark Ages a time of death, struggle and riches. A place where not everything is what it seems and the night takes on a life of its own. |
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DawnWalker Garou Guru

Posts : 59 Join date : 2024-06-16 Age : 28 Location : S, AZ
 | Subject: Garou Auspices Fri Jan 29, 2024 4:16 am | |
| Table of Contents:
------------------------ 1- Ragabash
2- Theurge
3- Philodox
4- Galliard
5- Ahroun ------------------------
Ragabash is one of the five Auspices of the Garou. The Ragabash are the Auspice with the least Rage, even less than the Theurges considered to be so cool and calm. Their role is the trickster, imparting lessons through their pranks, pranks that can be far from pleasant in such a violent race as the Garou. Just as important is their ability to act as a voice of dissent or devil's advocate with far less fear of punishment than the Garou of other Auspices. In a society as traditional and conservative as that of the Garou Nation, a free-thinking individual with the right to speak his or her mind is absolutely important, whether to encourage change or to reaffirm the current position through the challenges he or she provides. Those of the new moon are often skilled scouts or assassins, as the "hidden moon" is associated with stealth and secrecy. Within a pack a Ragabash's duty is to to provide a contrasting view, and also to help their packmates find their quarry, or to elude their pursuers. They may also use humor to lighten the mood or break up arguments, often acting as an "omega" to turn hostilities toward themself.
Ragabash are a special case in that they are not associated with any one form of Renown, and may rise in rank through any combination of the three types; however, they require more Renown overall to rise in rank and find it more difficult to gain Renown at all. Other Garou expect the worst of the tricksters, and are likely to assume that some of their accomplishments were performed for some ulterior motive. They are not particularly associated with any sept positions - for who would trust a trickster with such responsibility? They may serve a purpose during a moot, for some rely on a fool to challenge the traditions of the sept at key points during the moot so that the rest of the sept may be united in refuting them (or perhaps enlightened if the fool's dissent strikes a chord).
Ragabash of the waxing moon (that is, the day after the new moon) are said to be more cheerful and light-hearted than their brethren and are more apt to use humor. Those of the waning moon (24 hours before the new moon) are supposedly a darker sort, more obsessed with the shadows, secrets, and doom. They are also said to pull ruthless, vicious pranks and use a more biting sense of humor.
Last edited by DawnWalker on Fri Jan 29, 2024 4:23 am; edited 4 times in total |
|  | | DawnWalker Garou Guru

Posts : 59 Join date : 2024-06-16 Age : 28 Location : S, AZ
 | Subject: Theurge Fri Jan 29, 2024 4:17 am | |
| Theurge
One of the five Auspices of the Garou. Only the Ragabash start with less Rage than the Theurges do, which is just as well - many spirits avoid beings with high levels of Rage. That is the task of the Theurge - they are conduits for the spirits, explorers of the Umbra, seers and oracles. They are considered the masters of many of the powers of the Garou, including Gifts, Rites and Fetishes. They are often intuitive, mysterious, secretive, and seemingly illogical for they adhere to the ways of the spirits. Their mind may sometimes be too deep in the realm of the spirit, and their packmates often have to ground them back in reality - Theurges are not considered to be very "practical". They are also rarely the leader of a pack, although they will often lead when in the Umbra or whenever dealing with spirits. Among their pack they are often just that - guides and sources of wisdom in the realm of the Umbra, the enactor of rites, creator of Talens and fetishes, and often must play at being a medic as well. In a battle they are more likely to serve as support compared to other Garou, but it is worth noting that even the coolest, calmest Theurges are still Garou, and burn with Rage deep within.
The most important form of Renown for those born under the crescent moon is Wisdom, with Honor as a secondary focus. Like Philodox, these two are difficult to gain quickly, and so a Theurge isn't likely to shoot up the Ranks. That said, once a Theurge is old and truly full of Wisdom, they can truly serve as an important aid to their people even if their body is not as strong as it once was, and so an old Theurge is tolerated far more than an old Ahroun, who will be expected to remove his weakness from the Garou one way or another. Sept positions that they are likely to fill include Caller of the Wyld, Keeper of the Land, and most importantly of all Master of the Rite. This is because rites are considered the natural domain of Theurges (and Philodox as well). This means they are apt to learn most any rite, although they are particularly inclined toward Mystic Rites, Caern Rites, and Seasonal Rites.
Theurges of the waxing moon are considered to interact with the spirits in a more more open, charismatic manner - they often form friendships with the spirits they serve or command. Comparitively, those of the waning moon supposedly are a darker lot, and consider spirits things to be bound, dominated, and unleashed. |
|  | | DawnWalker Garou Guru

Posts : 59 Join date : 2024-06-16 Age : 28 Location : S, AZ
 | Subject: Philodox Fri Jan 29, 2024 4:18 am | |
| Philodox
One of the five Auspices of the Garou. The Philodox is the "middle" Auspice, most moderate in Rage - Galliards and Ahroun have more, whilst Theurges and Ragabash have less. Their role reflects this - it is their duty to mediate, counsel, and keep within them a balance between the conflicting elements of the Garou. They are also keepers of the law, those who uphold the Litany. As such, they are also judges and of great importance in discerning the truth and making important decisions. They are considered leaders (although most often leaders during times of peace), and tend to carry a sense of authority about them. Within their pack, Philodox are often leaders, but it is always their responsibility to ensure that the pack acts according to the Litany, and also to maintain order and balance among them.
The most important Renown for Philodox is Honor, with Wisdom as a secondary focus. These two both can take a long time to earn, so a werewolf of the half moon may take a while to increase his or her Rank. These Garou tend to occupy a number of important Sept positions, including Truthcatcher, Gatekeeper, Keeper of the Land, and Master of the Challenge. Along with Theurges the Philodox are considered to be masters of Rites, with Punishment Rites and Rites of Accord as their focus.
Philodox of the Waxing Moon are considered to be particularly calm and fair, and supposedly make better arbitrators. Those of the Waning Moon are thought to be perfectionists and more nervous than their waxing kin, and are associated more with maintaining order and balance. |
|  | | DawnWalker Garou Guru

Posts : 59 Join date : 2024-06-16 Age : 28 Location : S, AZ
 | Subject: Galliard Fri Jan 29, 2024 4:19 am | |
| Galliard
The Galliard is one of the five Auspices of the Garou, and possessed of the second-highest starting level of Rage, bested only by the Ahroun. Their task is to preserve the legends, prophecies, and history of the Garou, a truly sacred responsibility in an ancient society that stresses oral history and performance. Besides acting as lorekeepers, historians and prophets, they are also depended upon to act as a source of inspiration in times of desperate need, or for celebration in those rare and wonderful times of fortune. Those born under the gibbous moon are considered the most socially adept Auspice, and thus are used as emissaries. Their social ability stumbles a bit when it comes to humans and other mortals, as their high Rage tends to provoke the Curse and thus the fear and avoidance of said mortals. Among their pack, the responsibilities of a Galliard include stirring the emotions and energies of his or her packmates, reporting on and representing them at Moots, and providing a walking (and bellipotent) fount of knowledge.
Glory and Wisdom are the two forms of Renown most important to this Auspice, the former slightly more so than the latter. Truly mastering their Auspice can take long indeed, as they are charged with the responsibility of gathering and guarding knowledge, a task that is never complete. A Galliard of high Rank is doubly impressive, not only for their renown and experience but also for their considerable social skills and charismatic presence. Sept positions that the bards are suited for include Master of the Howl, Talesinger, and Gatekeeper. They are most likely to enact Rites of Death and Rites of Renown.
Galliards of the Waxing Moon are said to have a more positive outlook and sing inspiring songs of victory and celebration. Those of the Waning Moon are said to be more dour individuals, singing songs and predictions of doom and sacrifice. The fire stirring within them is a dark and devouring one, rather than the white-hot flame of the waxing moon}}. |
|  | | DawnWalker Garou Guru

Posts : 59 Join date : 2024-06-16 Age : 28 Location : S, AZ
 | Subject: Ahroun Fri Jan 29, 2024 4:20 am | |
| Ahroun
The Garou are a race designed for war, and among the five Auspices the Ahroun best reflect that original purpose. They also begin with the most Rage, the primal anger that Luna has granted them to protect Gaia. In a sense their nature is a simpler one, as their task is a clear and narrowly defined one. They may act as soldiers or grunts, war leaders or Warders, but universally their claws are soaked in blood and they are the ones to act first when a battle is at hand. Their affinity for warfare is not merely in their Rage and their Gifts, rather it is also in their instincts and their mind. They are innately suited to war including tactics and strategy - a good warrior is not just one who fights well, but 'effectively'. Within a pack the job of the Ahroun is to take charge in the midst of battle and to protect their packmates.
The most important form of Renown for Ahroun to gain is Glory followed by Honor; Wisdom is considered tertiary to their sacred task. As Glory is the form of Renown that is most quickly obtained, Ahroun tend to ascend in Rank more quickly than others. That said, they rarely achieve the higher ranks due to their high mortality rates. Although the Garou as a whole have a high mortality rate, Ahroun lead in that respect. Thus, an Ahroun that makes to the status of Elder is a rare beast, and also an awe-inspiring one. Some tribes - such as the Silver Fangs - regard Ahroun with greater importance, allowing only they to become King. Among Sept positions, the ones they are most likely to be found in are those of the Wyrm Foe and the Warder.
Ahroun of the Waxing Moon (that is, the night before the true full moon) are considered more straight-forward and a more fervent seeker of Glory; those of the Waning Moon are considered to be more concerned with asserting dominance. |
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