

The Three Best RPG Sex Games You Can Play Free

Game developers have always toyed with including nudity and sex in their videogames but have always been forced to remove it from the final product. A classic example would be the infamous “Hot Coffee” mod in Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, a sex mini-game that producers forced developers to remove. It was later found by fans and resulted in a lawsuit against Rockstar Games.

Due to the mainstream not accepting games on the more erotic end of the spectrum, developers have taken to making their own and releasing them independently for free online.

Here are three of the best RPG sex games available online now.


1) Grand Fuck Auto

Grand Fuck Auto is built as an adult homage to the wildly successful Grand Theft Auto Games, except that Grand Fuck Auto lets you have lots of wildly graphic sex. Set in an open-world, Grand Fuck Auto’s main draw is its excellent graphics and variety of characters. Realistic-looking 3D models and an explorable world make the game highly addictive and a great twist on a sandbox classic. It’s possibly the best interactive sex game out there today.


2) NarcosXXX

NarcosXXX is a sex game based on Pablo Escobar’s story and uses 3D models from a first-person perspective. NarcosXXX boasts a strong plot as you undertake missions to grow your drug empire, all whilst having sex with a lot of girls along your adventure. Another great sex game with enough RPG aspects to keep it interesting.


3) Hentai Heroes

Hentai Heroes is an erotic role-playing game classic. It revolves around the simple concept of collecting as many girls as possible and then sleeping with them. The game is drawn in classic Japanese Manga style and parodies many classic characters from large Manga franchises. There are several styles of play, including:

  • Story mode
  • Battle mode
  • Classic Japanese pachinko mini-game

For fans of Hentai or Manga, this online erotic game is a must.


Play These Sex Games Today

These three titles are the best porn games because they’re eclectic yet offer exciting and realistic experiences. Hopefully, one of these three titles will inspire you to fire up your web browser and try sexy RPGs today. We found all of these from Sex Games Report. They have tons of other reviews if you’re interested, for a wide variety of genres. Another great site for finding sex games is Nutaku. They focus on hentai games, but they’re all excellent.



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